the seller dictates NOTHING... we present our plan during the listing presentation....if the don't like what we do, they can move on to the next agent....that never happens.... we do what's needed to get to the closing table...
Amanda Christiansen
Fort Wayne, IN
Olga Simoncelli
New Fairfield, CT
Susan Haughton
Alexandria, VA
Tony and Suzanne Marri...
Scottsdale, AZ
Candice A. Donofrio
Fort Mohave, AZ
I try to be honest with the Sellers. They may try to drive the bus but you need to establish your self as the expert. Facts, confidence, poise will help you establish yourself in their eye's.
Peter Mohylsky,
Inlet Beach, FL
Susan Haughton
Alexandria, VA
Tony and Suzanne Marri...
Scottsdale, AZ
Brenda Mayette
Glenville, NY
Jeff Dowler, CRS
Carlsbad, CA
I have my plan and it rocks -- I will put it up against any. Seller can participate but not dictate. Sellers who get under my feet for sport or ego, I wish them well and we part.
Troy Erickson AZ Realt...
Chandler, AZ
Susan Haughton
Alexandria, VA
Tony and Suzanne Marri...
Scottsdale, AZ
I will allow the extra marketing by the seller as long as they pay for it and I stll get my commision. Almost never do their ideas work out the way they hope
Susan Haughton
Alexandria, VA
Tony and Suzanne Marri...
Scottsdale, AZ
Candice A. Donofrio
Fort Mohave, AZ
I do what I do and get hired because of it. I haven't ever been questioned about how I get the job done!
Tony and Suzanne Marri...
Scottsdale, AZ
Ron and Alexandra Seigel
Carpinteria, CA
Susan Emo
Kingston, ON
Contrary to the assertion by Annette Lawrence , Palm Harbor, FL 727-420-4041 in her answer:
" Reliance on systems, corrodes the ability to be agile, to listen with sufficient attention to actually hear, interferes with the ability to convey importance/significance to those in the audience."
It's having systems in place that allows one to easily and quickly identify when something is threatening to come off the rails, so that corrective action can be immediately and successfully applied. Without systems, you have no early warning and you are continually scrambling to see which peg fits in the hole for that singular event. Tail wags dog. It's tough to make a case against a system that has resulted in 100% of every listing taken since June 2011 - both traditional and short sale - having SOLD!
Susan Haughton
Alexandria, VA
Tony and Suzanne Marri...
Scottsdale, AZ
I have my own proven ways to market homes. If seller wants a particular thing then I will help them prepare the ad and they can send it in along with their check.
Susan Haughton
Alexandria, VA
Tony and Suzanne Marri...
Scottsdale, AZ
Like Susan Emo we have not been questioned about our practices. Our intent is to begin the conversation with a sense of teamwork. We are in this together mentality. A
Susan Haughton
Alexandria, VA
Tony and Suzanne Marri...
Scottsdale, AZ
I give them a personalized plan so they know in advance what to expect. It is usually more than they think of.
Tony and Suzanne Marri...
Scottsdale, AZ
Candice A. Donofrio
Fort Mohave, AZ
Tony and Suzanne - I pretty much have a set of standards and practices to get homes sold, and hardly waiver from them no matter what the seller says.
Tony and Suzanne Marri...
Scottsdale, AZ
I think systems are really important. This doesn't mean that you have no flexibility to tweak things as you go along. Also, I ask for input from my sellers, and this has helped to make my systems work better - for me and the sellers.
Tony and Suzanne Marri...
Scottsdale, AZ
I do have a plan set up with every listing, and can be adjusted if the seller has a VIABLE suggestion.
Tony and Suzanne Marri...
Scottsdale, AZ
Just follow Barbara Todaro's plan and everything will turn out fine!
Tony and Suzanne Marri...
Scottsdale, AZ
I have my own best practices and standards.
Tony and Suzanne Marri...
Scottsdale, AZ
Tony and Suzanne Marriott, Associate Brokers - oh yes, I want to educate my buyers and sellers and follow the guidelines that has helped many buyers and sellers.
A system in place helps me - and I prefer that they follow that.
Tony and Suzanne Marri...
Scottsdale, AZ
Usually my sellers see me as the expert and want me to tell them what they need to do to get the home sold and they allow me to do my marketing. Very few have required anything different from what I already do.
Tony and Suzanne Marri...
Scottsdale, AZ
I do my standard routine. Most of my sellers don't have the time to second guess the professional they hired.
Tony and Suzanne Marri...
Scottsdale, AZ
create a plan and stick to it!
Tony and Suzanne Marri...
Scottsdale, AZ
I do it my way and it works. I have one seller now that like to and suggestions and then I tell him what is in the works and he is wowed.
Tony and Suzanne Marri...
Scottsdale, AZ
I think we all have a formula that works for us and then we fine tune it to fit each and every listing!
Tony and Suzanne Marri...
Scottsdale, AZ
Pretty open ended question on does not have a simple answer. I think it requires flexibility on both parts and common sense.
Tony and Suzanne Marri...
Scottsdale, AZ
If the seller 'just becauses' to the extent I can neither benefit or find a buyer, my standards would compel me to move on.
I''m not a 'one trick pony' and have many ways to get the job done and do so in a beneficial way.
My business standard is to find the solution or solutions that matches the seller situation and needs.
Tony and Suzanne Marriott, Associate Brokers Interesting question. Why do they need me, if they want to do their own marketing, etc. I believe they hire me because I do have a plan for getting their property sold.
Tony and Suzanne Marri...
Scottsdale, AZ
I do but especially with higher end sellers they tell you how it's going to pan out take it or leave it.
Tony and Suzanne Marri...
Scottsdale, AZ
I find that once I explain what I do and why, and how they benefit there are no issues. Some sellers just don't understand, or get advice from others. I am always open to listening to what they have to say, however
Tony and Suzanne Marri...
Scottsdale, AZ