Going Solar
By Sandy Nelson, your Olympia area Real Estate Specialist
(Riley Jackson Real Estate Inc.)
...is fortunately becoming more and more popular in the US. On Saturday the 6th of October the National Solar Tour, now in its 12th year, will showcase the use of solar power. One of the many tour locations is Olympia, where residences, as well as commercial buildings that use clean sources of energy and energy efficient design are open for visits by the public. Most locations will have docents on site to explain the special sustainable energy features. Among the places to visit in Olympia is the Batdorf&Bronson Coffee Roastery, the Olympia Farmer's Market and Dee Williams' 84 sq. ft. "little house". For more information and a list of homes on tour visit the Chapter of American Solar Energy Society's website here. Sandy NelsonRealtor for Olympia Area Real Estatewww.sandynelsonreales...