Tattoos seem to be the new and popular thing. I'm not into that, though. I really don't care what someone else does. As far as a real estate agent...well I can see where it would turn off some potential clients, but there may be an opportunity for niche marketing.
Jill Murty, Realtor - ...
Laguna Niguel, CA
It's not what I think. It's what my clients think of me as Real Estate Professional. (And I do not think they will approve me of the same.)
I'd love to be someone that can say "I don't judge", but I do. I have no idea where my "line" is, either. I know I'd work with someone with sleeves and nice work done, and I know I wouldn't work with someone with a pot leaf inked on the side of their skull. I see some tattoos and think "wow that's great work" and see others and think "what were you in for?".
As for what's appropriate for real estate, I think it matters more to me how someone carries themself and acts rather than what they have done on their body. In most professional atmospheres though, I think tattoos should be able to be at least mostly covered up.
To me, the most important part of a professional's (or anyone's really) appearance is their hygiene. A person who takes the time to care for their hair, teeth, and health is most likely going to take the time to care for what I need. Tattoos have nothing to do with hygiene. They don't dictate your shower schedule or how many times you've flossed this week. They're expressions of individuality and art to some. That being said, having visible tattoos that are expressions of who you are also create a bias of what you believe in and unfortunately can elicit certain ideas about who you are. I have tattoos that are visible and at the time I acquired them I thought "who cares what anyone else thinks?" But then I grew up and realized that I actually feel better when people can't see them unless of course I'd like them to. When it comes down to it, we're creatures of recognition. We want to be recognized for how we stand out. I say stand out for who you are as a total package rather than letting tattoos do it for you.
I think tats are a personal choice. I don't have any but I don't judge others who do. I would think a professional would cover them up during business.
That's a hard one to answer. I personally don't like tattoos and if I were selecting any professional in any field to represent me, I would most likely not select a person with visible tattoos--but that's just my opinion.
In the home of the free and the brave, folks can mutilate their bodies any way the see fit. Pierce it, stretch it, color it, twist it, shave it, sculpt it, starve it, braid it, grow it, extend it, and tat whatever flesh one wants to abuse.
However, it is not the responsibility of the population to embrace such exhibitions with open arms. Those who CHOOSE this lifestyle SPOKE FIRST. They need to own the consequences, if any. Nose pierced, lobe looped, tatts from forehead to corner of eye, and they lament, "Why can't I find a good job?" Answer, "You spoke first."
If they've got good credit, they're ok by me....but I'll choose where we will have lunch.
To each his own Russ Ravary ~ Metro Detroit Realtor call (248) 310-6239, to each his own!
Tats are not my thing, but if I had one it would be in an area that is normally covered. Not sure what I would get, though. A small rainbow trout? Hmm.
I live and work in Los Angeles......No one really cares here about tattoos or green hair do. The agents with extreme appearance have their own niche and they doing very well.
I once saw a cartoon that said: "Tattoos are permanent proof of temporary insanity."
Tattoos are far more widely accepted than in previous years. Visible tattoos will be acceptable to some prospective clients, out of the question for others and everything in between.
If someone does a terrific job, who cares about the external stuff?
I can see how someone with tattoos all over their shaved head, for example may have to work a little harder to gain a person's confidence. As a client, I'd be distracted trying to read the tattoos, but if the person was good at their job, I wouldn't care at all.
I don't think it is up to me to judge what another person should or should not do with their bodies.
Live and let live. I personally don't find them on a face, neck or hands appealing, but that's my personal taste. But I don't think tattoos have a thing to do with skill, ethics and knowledge. A lot of agents might not deem my attire "appropriate", but he who is without sin can throw rocks at me.
I know many of my clients have them and although I do not, I don't judge. I don't think it has anything to do with whether the agent can do a good job so to say it is or isn't appropriate would be dictating how someone should dress , their hairstyle, jewelry and even their manner of real estate. If it works for them, so be it.
For me, any professional should not have large tattoos showing....but then, I'm old school!