Sorry I disagree (sort of)...if you have print cards left (yes mine are moving slower) but get them out of that drawer and spread them around. Even if people find me online and come to my office I always give them a card.
I also always give them two "One to use & one to lose...or pass to a friend"
Also, when you close a deal and send/give your thank you include several of your cards with a some sort of line "my business is built on referrals, If you know of anyone looking to buy or sell please pass on my card and let them know how I helped you"
Giving your old clients a stack of cards they can keep in a drawer is cheap advertising. Yes some may toss/lose them but they are cheap!
Kaye Swain
Roseville, CA
Debbie Gartner
White Plains, NY
Hi Jim -- I still use lots of business cards but I do agree with Debbie Gartner and Joan Cox --- many people don't need a card and immediately put contact information into the phones upon introduction.
In our market, our MLS rules state that when we show properties, we are to leave a business card -- I know this is the not case in every market.
Debbie Gartner
White Plains, NY
My print business card brings me business on a regular basis, there is a strong message on the back side that I ask everyone to read.
Debbie Gartner
White Plains, NY
Yes...but a lot of it is usage of phone. So the key people that refer me have my info in their cell phone and vice versa, so they don't need extra cards to give to customers.
Michael Jacobs
Pasadena, CA
I have cards with me at all times, but so many enter your info into their phone, and had no need for the card.
Michael Jacobs
Pasadena, CA
Susan Nealey I've never heard anything like that! I love it.
I do print, update, and hand over my cards.
I don't know tha I give out any less even with the shift to the internet.
Jim Joeriman - Well done. Good question. The shelf life of my cards has aged exponentially. Sign of the times.
I make good use of them - and include several social media links to useful information on the back to make them even more resource-full.
I still hand out lots of business cards, regular and magnetic versions.
I am passing more out now. I came out with a new tent fold card that I leave at showings
I still use them frequently. I rarely keep anyone's card though and suspect that's true for mine in others' hands.