Stonewall Court – A Brief History
By John VanderSyde, Associate Broker - Richmond VA
(Virginia Properties, A Long & Foster Co.)
At the declaration of World War II in 1941, the nation was put on alert for foreign invasion. Over the entire country, on the East and West Coasts, groups were formed for the safety and protection of people in all communities. Men and women were selected from each neighborhood to form a Civil Defense Patrol. In the Court, it was decided a meeting place had to be found where the workers could hold gatherings and to store equipment. One of my former listings, the dwelling known as 345 Lexington Road, was chosen because it had a basement, and was one of the few places that could be entered from the outside without going through the house. Shelves and racks were installed in the basement to hold the steel helmets, special flashlights, stretchers, splints, and other first-aid equipment ne...