A little background and explanation. First off the post wasn't meant to inspire anyone to change their profile picture or discuss any personal practices. Second of all, my heritage is Syrian. My son in law is from Egypt. My son in law's family is in Paris France and they are worried. It was a jesture of support and to make those that would have benefited aware of the option. My Family is from a small Christian Village called Fairouzeh, Syria. It is a short walk from Homs, Syria. Homs was where the first shots of the Syrian Civil War were fired. My family came to America around 1920. Both of my parents are from the same village in Syria. I am a third generation American on my father's side and second generation American on my mother's side. We were raise looking up to Syrian values.
Bob Crane
Stevens Point, WI
Kathleen Luiten
Princeville, HI
Mark Don McInnes, Sand...
Sandpoint, ID
Sandy Padula & Norm Pa...
, CA
No, because people are murdered not just in Paris( unfortunately), I can not find a picture that reflects my protest against violence and senseless of war world wide..
Tony Lewis
Valencia, CA
Inna Ivchenko
Encino, CA
I support the people in France but I will keep my personal photograph for my profile image.
Sandy Padula & Norm Pa...
, CA
Roy Kelley
Gaithersburg, MD
I have not seen this today.
Sandy Padula & Norm Pa...
, CA
Roy Kelley
Gaithersburg, MD
I haven't seen it as yet. But then I don't necessarily follow Facebook's offerings very closely.
Sandy Padula & Norm Pa...
, CA
Roy Kelley
Gaithersburg, MD
I STRONGLY dislike the profile picture for a cause bandwagon. It just says to me "What's the one thing I can do, that requires the LEAST amount of effort, that will make me look like I'm socially responsible and care about an issue." It does absolutely nothing to affect change. If the profile pic was only obtainable after donation to relief funds or after actually DOING something, then I'd be happy with them.
Now what am I doing: I already carry, now I'm carrying extra mags. Should the SHTF, this sheepdog will put down the wolf.
Sandra Graves
Folsom, CA
I think it's better to only use your personal photo .....I'm rarely on Facebook
No, because I am not really a Facebook user on any kind of regular basis!
Good morning Tony. Pretty smart on the part of FB, but what benefit would that be when it comes to stopping these terrorists? I can understand the support part, but entire civilized world had better unit before there are many more such events.
I changed it to a photo yesterday, I added the flag colors today. I'm leaving it for a week.
I have not updated in years, and had not heard of this profile offer from fb.
Btw, thanks for sharing a little of your heritage, I hope the Syrian people can find peace soon.
I had not heard about it --- and though i feel sympathy and support to the French, I will not be changing photos.
I didn't now that. I think that's a great idea. My heart goes out to everyone in Paris.
We are not into FB. We are very much in support of France. My first language was French, my mother was French, and my father who emigrated to Lebanon with his parents from Russia, were there by the grace of the former ambassador to the court of Russia now working in Lebanon. In those times, Lebanon was a French mandate. My father's education was French, and his Civil Engineering degree was from Lyon, France.
The majority of the French I have met dislike FB, and two of our friends in Paris do not want anything to do with this venue. It took one of them a year of begging to have her info removed from FB. I visited Syria as a small child, when my father had a project there. A
Guess I have not been on FB, should get over and see what is happening. So sad for the french.....
No I wasn't aware of it until I read your question. Hope your family is OK!
I may be a bit cynical. While I feel terrible for the victims, and those close, as well as the country in general for this shocking and deplorable event, I also feel promoters jump in quickly to their own benefit rather than those suffering. I sincerely doubt someone in pain from loss, or the sheer audacity of this, would be looking through face book profile pictures to find peace of mind and heart. Mark
Tony Lewis i hope your family is all OK. I haven't changed my FB profile pic in too long, but have voiced my opinion and support and in mostly colorful language. (My profile is locked down pretty tight) ;)
I do change my profile photo perodically, but it is more for seasonal or activity related purposes. I will post a message regarding current events but not change my profile picture.