if I share an idea, I would not worry about others using or sharing them....if I didn't want it to happen, I'd not share...
Michael Jacobs
Pasadena, CA
Roy Kelley
Gaithersburg, MD
Things are shared freely in our firm, #risingtides
Bob Crane
Stevens Point, WI
I can trust others not to broadcast it but I would not share it unless I do not mind them copying it. What if theysay they like it and would like to do it?
Roy Kelley
Gaithersburg, MD
Not sure why I would....but we trust most Keller agents....sharing is part of what we do....
Roy Kelley
Gaithersburg, MD
As I get older I worry much less about that than i did in the early years of my business.
Some of my great ideas are only great for me, and others are things that are too much effort for others to try.
Bob Crane
Stevens Point, WI
no.no.no.no then some more no. i know thats sad to say. but too often true. they will find out after you do it. hopefully it will be too late for them
Good question. I find most people rarely or consistently implement ideas or concepts that can either make them more efficient or increase sales.
Debbie Reynolds - I do share most my marketing plans with few in my office. We all have our own niche and what I learned from ActiveRain is - more you learn, more you share and more you get from others. Give first.
My best friend and I watch each other's business, share business ideas, and never have to worry about anything! Total trust!
Yes, there are agents at the office who share fresh ideas. Once new ideas are implemented, they will be copied by others.
I did live with that concern for a short time. Then I realized, so very, very few have the initiative, vision or desire to do anything new. You could hand them the "Keys to the Kingdom" and they would go unused because they are very content and happy with their current kingdom.
When the light come on, I came to see their is no point in sharing new and innovative business ideas.
I would share with someone who also brought something to the table. I would not share with folks at KW who have a culture of broadcasting and I would not share actionable ideas if there exists even a remote possibility of the idea appearing on the dark side.
You bet. There are those however, if I want something out I'll just tell them. It won't take long
I am very fortunate in working closely with an agent inside my office. We bounce ideas off one another and do so without feeling any issues with trust. A rare find in this business I believe. Mark
Nope, I try and do anything I come up with myself. I do offer consulting for agents that choose to pay for it, that way it is a win win for everyone.
No, not at all. Another reason I love AR, because I do get to share those ideas with other folks and bounce ideas with them.