Good morning Gary. I very seldom re-blog anything, but I do when someone that has joined AR because of my recommendation and the post a blog, I like to give them a boost.
Bob Crane
Stevens Point, WI
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Sure... why not? When I see something really well-written and relevant to my reader base, why reinvent the wheel. I'm happy to reblog and give credit where it's due to the original author. Always flattered when someone reblogs one of my posts, as well. But I must say, I've never seen a re-blog of a re-blog.
Bob Crane
Stevens Point, WI
If the blog is providing or requesting information, why not request or provide information to more people? Just as long as you're not knowingly reblogging the blog on the same site.
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Always a compliment when someone reblogs one of your posts, even better when several people do it!
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
No original content or wanting to take the easy way out. Not everyone likes to "work" to get places in life.
That must we one hot and important blog to be bounced so many times.
Accepted practice? Of course. Sharing great information is one of the fundamental purposes of AR. Now, I am assuming when you say reblog you are NOT meaning copy and paste. Big difference.
Washing, rinsing and repeating is completely acceptable. When I've read a blog of inspirational or instructional significance, I most likely will post with the benefit I received, add my spin and will not give credit to the originator, because, quite frankly, I won't remember.
There are some, who when the 'accepted behavior' is identified, will mark their own standard and go a new direction.
I haven't reblogged a post lately but I wouldn't reblog a post from another reblog. I would go to the original blog.
Good morning Gary. I cannot say that I have seen a re-blog of a re-blog.
I've never seen a reblog of a reblog, and I did not even know that it is possible:)