Our goal is to reach 3000 registered attendees to VirtualReBarcamp.com! The event is free being presented by 28 of the top minds in RE technology and social networking. Currently we have 1500+ registered attendee. To reach our goal we need your help. Fortunately, we have a ringer in our pocket
You ever see a house that just catches your attention. This one caught my attention several years ago. I had sold a condo about a block away and wanted to send my client an album on Facebook of the neighborhood. The sun was going down so the light was great, the colors were lush, the li
Southlake VillagesKenner SubdivisionsNewer Homes in Kenner Southlake Villages in Kenner Southlake Villages in Kenner is the best place to go for newer homes in Kenner real estate the 350-550k price range. Most of the homes are under 5 years old, have 4 bedrooms, garages, and high ceil
Louisiana Heads Happy Meter! I was reading a recent study that showed people in Louisiana are Happy. I know I am Happy having lived in Louisiana, Alabama, South Carolina while I was growing up. We are normally at the bottom on many of these studies as they focus on wealth, jobs and education. Th
Ferns and French Quarter Balconies, Semi-Tropical Weather makes it all possible. The balconies in the New Orleans French Quarter that adorn the historic buildings are also a showcase for those with a green thumb. A balcony is a porch to the world to show their skills. This is made pos
New Orleans Garden District Homes-Porches and Colors are unique! Exciting Colors from this Garden District Victorian Home. Some great colors and the reflection the West Indes culture. Spring colors add to the splash of colors. In the Garden District you can walk easily and see some great
Saint Louis Cathedral and Jackson Square, Early center of New Orleans. Storm clouds approach Jackson Square with the St. Louis Cathedral in the background. This was the center of activity in New Orleans in the early years. Since we are approaching our 300th birthday a lot has changed
Seasonal Adjustments! Less premium Condo Listings Availiable! Is this a trend that is normal? Condo Listings, Market Trends This is a slow time of year for condo sales in general. There are a lack of buyers, but at the same time there are less premium listings coming on the market in the va
Louisiana is losing its coast line almost daily. The main cause is there is no sediment moving into the marshes form the Mississippi River. Levees have been contsructed to contain the river. This means there is no new sediment to build up the land. Then it sinks as it does most areas of