
New York, NY Real Estate News

By Laura Cerrano, Certified Feng Shui Expert, Speaker & Researcher
(Feng Shui Manhattan Long Island)
 Every cloud has one. It’s our job to be open and receptive when it comes and many times that is not an easy task. That silver lining is our window of opportunity to transform a challenging situation around and if we miss it, we have missed a chance to change and grow. Another opportunity will come, yet why wait?The most common of stories is with love. When a relationship ends it hurts because we have developed an energy cord of attachment to that person, along with an abundance of memories . As you let go (and that term can be defined on various levels), that process also gives you more time to focus on YOU, things perhaps you didn’t have time to do that you can now get involved with, an opportunity to meet and surround yourself with new people, places, things and ideas.Find that silve...
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By Laura Cerrano, Certified Feng Shui Expert, Speaker & Researcher
(Feng Shui Manhattan Long Island)
As I work with my clients, I guide them through the process of how to select artwork with feng shui in mind.The duologue sounds something like this: Do you love it? No. Do you need it? No. Why is it kept within your home? I don't know, I just bought it and put it up. Take that discussion and put it into context with that person's life. There is a good chance (based on the feng shui principles) the words they use to describe the artwork and connection they have to those objects within their home, in some form relates to their life experiences. Remember, feng shui is a symbolic language that talks to the conscious and unconscious mind. In general, the selection of artwork is suggested to be of images and subject matter that is inspiring you in for honoring the past, the current moment and...
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By Laura Cerrano, Certified Feng Shui Expert, Speaker & Researcher
(Feng Shui Manhattan Long Island)
What makes feng shui so unique? Straight from my client's own opinions after experiencing sessions first hand, "its not about the furniture arrangement, selection of paint colors or artwork." You are essentially working with "parallel worlds of reality." You become increasingly more aware of present moments in your life (while not staying attached to the past or even the outcome of the future), and planting seeds for tomorrow through your own thoughts and actions.  You also learn how to peacefully interact with the spirit world (how ever you wish to define that and yes I believe its real from first hand experience), while also increasing your communication with other human beings, the environment and yourself. This is not a pill you pop or a product you buy to keep in your home or car. ...
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By Robert DeFalco, Robert DeFalco Realty
(Robert DeFalco Realty)
South Street Seaport - Commercial Real EstateThe South Street Seaport is an historic area in the New York City borough of Manhattan. The area is located in lower Manhattan where Fulton Street meets the East River, adjacent to the financial district. The Seaport is a designated historic district, featuring some of the oldest architecture in downtown Manhattan, as well as the largest concentration of restored early 19th century commercial buildings in the city.In addition to historic mercantile buildings, the area is also home to a modern mall featuring food, shopping, and even nightlife. However, the new, large scale revitalization of Pier 17 is set to enliven the area even further, expanding the commercial offerings extensively. The new Pier 17 building, set to open in 2017, will featur...
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By Robert DeFalco, Robert DeFalco Realty
(Robert DeFalco Realty)
 Lower East Side - Things To Do!The Lower East Side is a popular area of New York City, located in southeastern part of Manhattan. Though the area was traditionally a working-class, immigrant neighborhood, in recent years it has morphed into one of NYC’s trendier neighborhoods. The Lower East Side is home to numerous upscale boutiques, as well as some of the best vintage and antique shopping in the city.However, the area isn’t just known for it’s shopping; the Lower East Side also has some of the city’s most popular bars and restaurants. Famous eateries such as Dirty Laundry and Cherche Midi bring crowds daily, and the few long-standing Jewish delis that remain –most notably Katz’s Delicatessen –are not to be missed either. A popular drinking destination, the Lower East Side has endless...
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By Laura Cerrano, Certified Feng Shui Expert, Speaker & Researcher
(Feng Shui Manhattan Long Island)
New York is always alive and full of thriving energy. During the Holiday's it seems to carry even more vibrancy that flows through the streets. If you are looking for something fun to do on a budget, take a stroll along 5th avenue to check out the Holiday window decorations. Planning your visit to see the holiday window displays at night is even better. Here is a link (Walking Tour for Holiday Window Displays) to help you along a self-guided tour.  
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By Laura Cerrano, Certified Feng Shui Expert, Speaker & Researcher
(Feng Shui Manhattan Long Island)
Feng Shui has been with us for over 4,000 year, perhaps even longer. It originated out of the mountain ranges of China and Tibet. Simply put, Feng Shui is a mindset and life style. Bringing this conversation up to speed with a modern day perspective you may ask, Why is it suggested to move a piece of furniture? Or mindfully place a particular object in specific area of your home? These simple suggestions and actions that follow tap deeply into the unconscious mind which is facilitating a profound process of gentle healing. You are rewiring your brain, creating new connections of consciousness which gives birth to new life perspectives through storytelling and metaphors. The Feng Shui principles are designed to anchor in subtle visual cues (as one method) that promotes change with your i...
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By Laura Cerrano, Certified Feng Shui Expert, Speaker & Researcher
(Feng Shui Manhattan Long Island)
Bedrooms are one of the top rooms to showcase when staging your home to sell. It indicates the potential for how many family members or guests you could accommodate comfortably within that space. Lately, I have been receiving requests to transform bedrooms into office bedrooms. This is not ideal in Feng Shui, yet the beautify of this practice is flexibility and adaptation to the world as it changes. Below are some key Feng Shui principles to keep in mind so the space is still energetically supportive to your well-being when resting.  Do not locate bedrooms below or over garage, fuel tanks or steel girders. They all give off large artificial magnetic fields which has been proven scientifically to disrupt sleep and health over long periods of times. This is referred to a DC currents.  Use...
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By Laura Cerrano, Certified Feng Shui Expert, Speaker & Researcher
(Feng Shui Manhattan Long Island)
  It has been a few years since the New York Mets have been in this position, National League Champions and going to the WORLD SERIES!! !!! There is much to celebrate and there still a lot to accomplish. Here's to the Met's for doing an AMAZING job sweeping the Chicago Cubs and congrats to Daniel Murphy for setting new MLB home run record in the post season.    
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By Laura Cerrano, Certified Feng Shui Expert, Speaker & Researcher
(Feng Shui Manhattan Long Island)
Looking for great entertainment while traveling around New York City? The subway is a great option, believe it or not. These gentleman put on a great show that stopped people, including myself, in our tracks. My worries of making my train on time left my mind and I allowed myself to slow down and just take in the moment. Life moves so fast already. When a moment such as this is presented, don't be so quick to rush by. 
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By Laura Cerrano, Certified Feng Shui Expert, Speaker & Researcher
(Feng Shui Manhattan Long Island)
Some of you already know the great news, we have been nominated for "Best Of Long Island 2016" under the category of Home & Garden: Interior Decorator.Voting began October 1st, 2015 and runs through December 15, 2015.We need your help!You can vote one time per category, per day, per IP address.  Here is the link:…. Click on the link, scroll down to "Interior Decorator," look for "Feng Shui Long Island - Farmingdale" and submit your vote! Remember you can vote ever single day leading up to December 15th.  Once a week I will create a friendly reminder. Thank you for your support and thank you for the nomination!
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By Laura Cerrano, Certified Feng Shui Expert, Speaker & Researcher
(Feng Shui Manhattan Long Island)
Growing up I was labeled "learning disabled," due to my 'un-normal' pace of reading and understanding math. My method of learning is more kinesthetic, so the typical sitting down in your chair, looking at a blackboard and writing down words or numbers was not cutting it for me.  I attended my elementary school IP meetings with mom and every time my guidance counselor would persistently say, "Your daughter will never graduate from high school, so do not even worry about college." I remember mom turning to me during those meetings and asking, "Laura will you try your best?" I said yes every time. To me the word try meant I would not just attempt, but I would DO my best. So now I invite you to consider transforming the phase 'I will try' in your vocabulary to, "I will do...." This creates ...
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By Laura Cerrano, Certified Feng Shui Expert, Speaker & Researcher
(Feng Shui Manhattan Long Island)
The other day I had the pleasure of walking along the Planting Field's Dahlia Flower Garden path.  I embellished in what's known as a "walking meditation." This is when you simply walk, allowing your mind to lesson the chatter within your mind by moving your body and observing the rhythmic patterns of nature. One of my favorite observations? Seeing a sleeping bumble bee on the heart of the flower.  Planting Feilds Oyster Bay NY
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By Laura Cerrano, Certified Feng Shui Expert, Speaker & Researcher
(Feng Shui Manhattan Long Island)
Here are more photos of lower Manhattan I was unable to post earlier this week. NYC never seizes to amaze me with it's urban beauty and people who add energy to the thriving streets. If you slow down and take a moment to really look, you will find amazing artwork and interesting scenery all around. For those who are planning to visit the Sea Port in NYC, keep in mind the location is under a renovation for about two years. You can still check out the old ships and some shops and restaurants, but the majority of it has been closed off to the public. You can see the amazing combination of old architecture with modern style. One of my favorite observations, is the people of New York City. 
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By Laura Cerrano, Certified Feng Shui Expert, Speaker & Researcher
(Feng Shui Manhattan Long Island)
I wanted to share an email message sent by my client Yoelia from Rhode Island. She gave me permission to share her story. I asked Yoelia:"After embracing Feng Shui, did you notice a lifestyle change?" Answer: "I felt a lifestyle change I went from being depressed in bed to embracing new changes, healed from depression, became spiritually, emotionally and mentally confident even in new surroundings. I also became more physically active. I started to eat more healthy and also was and am being surrounded by positive network of friends and the negative ones disappeared. I felt more confident communicating with others. There are not enough words that can express how beneficial and rewarding in applying the principals of Feng Shui has been in my life. Feng Shui is one of those things that you...
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By Laura Cerrano, Certified Feng Shui Expert, Speaker & Researcher
(Feng Shui Manhattan Long Island)
Thank You Dr. Wayne Dyer"Dr. Wayne Dyer the self-help guru whose best-seller "Your Erroneous Zones" was adopted by millions as a guide to better living, has died at 75, his family and publisher said Sunday." ~NBC, M. Alex Johnson. There are many people who feel Dr. Dyer's methods of healing are questionable, along with how he gathered his resources to write his various books and provide the talks that he did. I leave that for you to decipher. What is the legacy left behind from Dr. Dyer? One that has opened the door of inspiration, motivation and so much more for many around the world. To know that anything is possible and it all starts with you. 
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By Laura Cerrano, Certified Feng Shui Expert, Speaker & Researcher
(Feng Shui Manhattan Long Island)
Do You Have To Feng Shui Every Nook and Cranny of Your Home?Those who are new to Feng Shui assume you need to change every nook and cranny of your home or office in-order to welcome change. This is not always the case. Sometimes you just need a bit of tweaking, or no change. No change? But isn't Feng Shui all about changing, shifting and transforming? It is, but even sometimes when implementing Feng Shui into your lifestyle the formula also calls for no change. Naturally as time progresses, various sectors of your home will change, as you and your goals change. If you notice the energy of your home in relation to your everyday life is in balance and functioning as needed with efficiency and grace, then chances are you do not have to make changes or shift too many things within your home...
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By Laura Cerrano, Certified Feng Shui Expert, Speaker & Researcher
(Feng Shui Manhattan Long Island)
Motivational Monday: There Is a Lesson In Your Pain Life is full of lessons, some that are fun to experience and some that create the feeling of pain. This could be physical, mental, emotional and/or spirit pain. A saying my mother taught me to  help gage if I was was self inducing pain went like this, " Spirit warns you once, spirit warns you twice, the third time you stand alone." If you see the same outcome with a given interaction with certain people or events, that is an indication you could be self inducing pain. How many times will you choose to repeat or allow the same cycle of behavior before you have had enough?Pain is a tool to help us learn. Learn what you don't like and make a change to focus on patterns of behavior that engages in activities or interactions with people tha...
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By Laura Cerrano, Certified Feng Shui Expert, Speaker & Researcher
(Feng Shui Manhattan Long Island)
 What Some of My Clients Have to Say about Feng Shui Manhattan Thank you so much Laura and thank you for your suggestions. I have to say that since the day you left I noticed certain things happening already. The day after I saw you I received Tibetan prayers in the mail from my friend. I found the perfect place for the dresser in my bedroom and the following day I found a missing mailbox key I had no clue I had and needed before leaving for my trip.Thanks you so much again for being so supportive.Love and hugs,GabiNew York City, NY
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By Laura Cerrano, Certified Feng Shui Expert, Speaker & Researcher
(Feng Shui Manhattan Long Island)
The Function Of Your Computer Can Teach You About Feng Shui The beauty of Feng Shui is that it can be applied to everything. This also includes our electronics, fellow millennials. That's right, even our IPhones, Kindles and laptops can transmit metaphysical energy; besides electromagnetic frequencies. Just as with "real" objects in our home, it's also suggested to reorganize or declutter files, documents, photos, etc that are no longer adding value to your computer. Naturally be wise with what you let go and always back your computer up; some side thoughts to share.Consider this analogy; when you allow too many files from the past to linger on your computer, it begins to slow down the hard drive. In our daily living, we develop numerous flies from life experienc...
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