If My Las Vegas Buyers Need "Skin in the Game" Then Your Sellers Can Match and "Show Me the Money!"
By Renée Donohue~Home Photography, Western Michigan Real Estate Photographer
(Savvy Home Pix)
So my buyers are expected to put earnest money down on your short sale listing and if they back out within 90 days, your sellers get to keep the EMD. So what about the sellers? Las Vegas Short Sale Sellers and their agents are expecting buyers to have a little more “skin in the game” in the last year. This means the sellers may ask a buyer to make their earnest money non-refundable in a certain time frame – usually 60-90 days. I get it – I really do – it has to be frustrating for a short sale listing agent or seller to continually deal with buyers that walk away from this frustrating type of sale contingency – the Las Vegas Short Sale! NOW there are no guarantees that the agent will be successful in getting an approval from the lienholder(s) with price, terms and conditions that the se...