An Active Rain Question.
By Clint Mckie, Desert Sun Home, Comm. Inspection 1-575-706-5586
(Desert Sun Home, commercial Inspections)
Are you a "doer", or are you one of those people that says that would be cool. Some examples. 1. You join the health club, just because you have friends that joined. But you never go. 2. You are a member of several associations, but never attend meetings. 3. You bought that "Hybrid" car but don't really use the features to conserve energy. 4. You bought a lot of Xmas stuff at the year end sale. And it's been sitting in the closet for years. 5. You joined ACTIVE RAIN, but you have not filled out your profile, and never even made a blog entry. 6. Look at your "favorites bar, when was the last time you used more than three of them. 7. You buy new things just decause your neighbor did. Then don't even use it. 8. When you go out to eat, and the meal was less than very good. Why do you tell ...