Desert Sun Home Inspections Carlsbad, New Mexico

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Home Inspector - Desert Sun Home, commercial Inspections - 10072923
Desert Sun Home and Commercial inspections in Carlsbad New Mexico 88220 is a full service inspection and Risk Management company. We specialize in Residential and commercial inspections. And offer a PDF report with pictures, Recallchek and a 90 day warranty with all full home inspections. 1-575-706-5586 Call Clint McKie Today.
When home owner maintenance goes unchecked. Home owner maintenance is critical when you own a home. In fact no matter what the structure is like a home a garages or even a back yard storage shed. There are very few home owners that get a bi annual inspection of there home let alone an annual insp...
Your rubbing me the wrong way. Electrical service feed. The over head electrical feed to this home was not installed correctly. Or was it? I can't imagine the chimney was added at a later date. Looks as if the chimney was an original design of the home. The over head electrical service to this ho...
Top Notch roofer, not so much. Give them the boot. I was at a home inspection yesterday. The agent told me that the home owner had the Hand hewn shake roof installed about three years ago. "They come back every year and spray the roof with an insect and linseed oil spray to help protect the shing...
Just hanging around the home. Not good. Home inspection electrical. It is amazing what we find when inspecting homes. In many cases the home owner was not the best person to be handling the "Electrical work" within the home. My guess is that the owners wanted to save money and "Not pay" for an el...
One of those days when it all falls apart. Or did it? Today started out like any other. Making the rounds on Active Rain and checking e-mail. Then I get a call from a perspective client letting me know they are tabling my proposal for the units I had just bid on. They are now looking at some diff...
Commercial Inspection in Hobbs New Mexico. Coming along very well. I finally got to meet the owner of the new Dealership. He is happy that the Collision Center is now in full operation. Here is what it looked like when I visited the Collision center yesterday. Here is a quick look at the exterior...
Hanging out on the back patio. But not for long. When home owners have the brilliant idea to do something. They need to make sure it is done the "correct way". This looks like they had been wanting to do this for a long time. But the home has to be built right to start with. The Rafter tails. And...
I'm a plug and I am Screwed. Taking short cuts when installing any electrical plugs is not a good thing. No matter if you know what is correct or not correct. The issues with this Dryer plug was obvious from the start. No cover for the plug. But as I got closer to inspect the plug I noticed there...
You will need to call a plumber. Do not attempt this repair yourself. This is what I wanted to tell the home owner. But after he was telling me a story about how they had remodeled the kitchen.  I didn't have the heart to tell him. But it will be in the report. I have seen this before. Making cha...
Garage wiring and time to start over. Garages are a vital part of the home selling. Most homes have a garage. So when you put your home up  for sale then you should have a complete inspection on the home and detached garage. A pre listing inspection would have found these issues and the owner cou...

Clint Mckie

Desert Sun Home, Comm. Inspection 1-575-706-5586
local_phone(575) 706-5586
smartphone(575) 706-5586
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