Silvia Dukes PA, REALTOR, CRS, CIPS, SRES - for some reason, I do not post the links to Facebook - may be, I should.
However, I never had problems with posting on LinkedIn, G+, Pinterest and Twitter.
John McCormack, CRS
Albuquerque, NM
Silvia Dukes PA, Broke...
Spring Hill, FL
Yes Silvia but if you do not get the graphic just exit the page without posting it and re-paste the URL. It will work after a few tries. I always have this problem but if you keep trying you will get it.
John McCormack, CRS
Albuquerque, NM
Silvia Dukes PA, Broke...
Spring Hill, FL
I don't post my blogs on FB. I take another approach there.
John McCormack, CRS
Albuquerque, NM
Silvia- I don't post directly to FB but do as you do and place the link there with a photo.
Silvia Dukes PA, Broke...
Spring Hill, FL
No not yet. It took me a while to catch on but after I found out how to do it no issues here
Silvia Dukes PA, Broke...
Spring Hill, FL
I do not have a facebook business page.Thanks for the reminder.
Silvia Dukes PA, Broke...
Spring Hill, FL
Good morning Sylvia. I'm not that much of the Facebook user. That is one of the things that is on my list of things to get better at.
Silvia Dukes PA, Broke...
Spring Hill, FL
Good morning Silvia. I used to post from Linkedin to Facebook, but for whatever reason that stopped working. Now will cut and paste, I no longer have an issue.
Silvia Dukes PA, Broke...
Spring Hill, FL
I stopped posting my blogs to Facebook, as the photos are of the bloggers that have commented, and can not remove them.
Silvia Dukes PA, Broke...
Spring Hill, FL
I have been having a problem with that for some time. I post the short url and if the photo doesn't load I refresh the page and do it again. It usually takes the second time around.
Silvia Dukes PA, Broke...
Spring Hill, FL