we have a pre-listing binder that I prepare for every listing appointment done by each of my team members.... they go through every page with the seller and leave it for them to keep.... who we are; what we do; and how well we do it!!!! that's all any seller wants to know.
Praful Thakkar
Burlington, MA
Lise Howe
Washington, DC
Jamelah Jackson-Alam - you got the best answer from Barbara Todaro !
Barbara Todaro
Franklin, MA
It's not a simple answer. You need to tell them about your "features" and how it will benefit the sellers
Jamelah Jackson-Alam
Las Vegas, NV
I vote for Barbara Todaro answer. Seller wants to know that you will follow through. A
Barbara Todaro
Franklin, MA
There is nobody else out there with my experience in the area, my networking and excellent negiotiating skills. You do not want me working for your competitin but on your side.
That they have a choice. We view what I bring to the table, set expectations and let them decide. I worked a Fortune 500 job for nearly 10 years in Sales, I enjoy a no pressure approach. I pick clients as much as they pick me to work with, it has served me well so far.
I explain how I will market their home and what my past results have been.
Jamelah Jackson-Alam You're the best agent for the job. Be sure to back it up with facts.