Steve Dalton, Northwest Indiana Home Builder (219-465-8352 ) Home Builder



Steve Dalton
Northwest Indiana Home Builder
location_on Valparaiso, IN — 219-465-8352
Get to Know Steve Dalton

Often the early question in a conversation is "What exactly do you do Steve?"  

I build new homes for families in Northwest Indiana!  If you want to build a home, especially under $250,000 and need some help with financing or credit clean up, you and I need to talk face to face soon.   Call me 219-465-8352.  

Now for the rest of the businesses I am involved in:

I can surely understand the confusion, as I've been involved in a myriad of different and exciting business ventures.   So let me shoot you straight right out of the box.   I am a technology and innovation entrepreneur, a tech start-up guy, an investor and a friend to a ton of great business and political leaders. 

Current interests:

Northwest Indiana Home builder - Green Pointe Homes  Valparaiso Indiana Real Estate with my wife Julie Dalton at Prime Real Estate Mobile Application Development with My Mobile Fans Desktop and Server Virtualization with Iddea Group EGov and Municipal 2.0 with Cender and Company Social, Inbound, and New Media speaker and advisor Coming Soon --- Northwest Indiana Tech Start-Up Consortium and VC Group

Currently I'm even looking at two more partneships, investments actually, that would allow us to further expand our reach and collaboration.  Some companies have too much pride, and try to do everything themselves ... ultimately failing and falling behind.  We'd much prefer to collaborate with dynamic and innovative start-ups, lean and mean, ready to move where technology and innovation meet. 

I have a background in real estate, home building, mortgage finance, development, municipal management, municipal planning, business development, political campaigns, and starting companies.  

Call or email anytime, I'm pretty easy to find online as I use Daltonsbriefs for basically everything.  If you have a business that needs to grow, and needs to implement technology, then let's talk and get better acquainted.   I might just know the right team to pull your challenge up to success. 



Home Building in Northwest Indiana

Economic Development in Northwest Indiana

Real Estate and Home Building as economic development engines



Home Builder in Northwest Indiana - Green Pointe Homes is recognized as the leader in implementing green, healthy, and smart technologies in construction.