When you apply for a loan one of the things you need to consider is the term of the loan. Most lenders will offer you a 30 year or 15 year term. The Insider Tip here is that you have other choices that most lenders will not mention to you. You just need to make sure you ASK about them! There are...
One of the key components of your loan approval will be the price and condition of the home you are financing. In order to determine this value and condition, the lender will usually require that an appraisal is done. The appraiser will often visit the property and take photos of the interior an...
There are over 6.9 million homeowners that are 30 days late and 4.4 million homeowners that are 60 days late on their mortgage payments. Only 1 in 4 loan modifications even make it to the trial stage-less than 10% succeed. Should you short sell your home? Call or email us and we will help you...
In this Insider Mortgage Secrets Tip, we will discuss the process of getting approved for a loan BEFORE you start shopping for your new home. Do You Have A Thousand Dollars To Simply Throw Away? I know this may sound like a very silly question but that is exactly what happens every day to unsusp...
This Home Buying Guide is designed to give you the information you need so you avoid costly mistakes when navigating through the mortgage loan process.Today's tip will cover how to understand credit reports.Your credit is a crucial part of the lender's decision on whether you get approved for a ...
The following list of items has been compiled for your convenience. You will need to bring this information to your mortgage application in order to expedite the processing of your mortgage loan. A check for your credit report and appraisal Your residence addresses for the past two years Names, ...
Are you thinking about buying a new home. There is a new loan program available to you called the NoMi (No Mortage Insurance) Loan Program. The Andries Team has teamed up with Mike Bjork of First Cal Mortage in offering you this new program. For more information click the link and call Mike f...
This is a list of things to steer clear of when you are seeking to obtain financing for a home. The following items may prove to be a detriment when you wish to move forward with the loan process. Don't buy or lease an auto! Lenders look carefully at your debt-to-income ratio. A large payment s...
California has expanded the pool of borrowers who could qualify for three programs aimed at helping families at risk of losing their homes, by making those who tapped their home equity or who took out loans after Jan. 1, 2009, eligible for assistance.The California Housing Finance Agency (CalHFA...