The first time home buyers $8000 tax credit was extended on Nov. 6. While most requirements concerning the tax credit remained the same, some changes were made. All the changes will apply to those settling on their primary residence after Nov. 6. 1. Date Extended to April 30, 2010 The first time
Reverse Mortgages are very appealing to older home owners on Philadelphia’s Main Line as well as in other areas of the United States during these hard economic times. A reverse mortgage is basically when a lender gives you a cash advance on the equity you have in your home. You don’t have to pay
Money magazine had a great article on credit in its September issue. Many people on the Main Line, who are interested in real estate, ask me if it is hard to get a loan these days and the answer is “no” if you have a good credit score. What is a good credit score and how can you keep it high? FIC
Although there are not a lot of new construction subdivisions on the Main Line, buyers need to be aware of some of the potential hazards of purchasing new construction and some of the precautions they need to take. Homebuilders have been hit hard by this economy and many are filing for bankruptcy
There are not a lot of real estate foreclosures here on the Main Line. According to the Philadelphia Inquirer, Philadelphia and the eight surrounding counties placed number 77 out of 100 metro areas nationwide in the number of people filing for foreclosures in 2008. However, I am starting to see
Many people who have never been able to purchase a home on the Main Line would love to take advantage of the new 2009 $8000 tax credit, but they don’t have enough money for a down payment or to cover the closing costs. If you are a first time home buyer and you need your 2009 $8000 tax credit to
Currently it’s a great time to be a first time homebuyer on the Main Line, or any where in the United States for that matter. The main reason being the new first time homebuyers $8000 tax credit that is retroactive to January 1, 2009 and lasts until November 30, 2009. How does the $8000 tax cre
I was watching the Today Show recently and their real estate expert, Barbara Corcoran, had a segment about foreclosures and auctions. While the real estate market on the Main Line has not been hit as hard as other areas, there are still foreclosure properties on the Main Line for sale. Radnor, St
Even though the Main Line is an affluent area, the current economic hard times have caused home sales to decrease. Homes are taking longer to sell and home owners are facing stiff competition for buyers. So, why not use every marketing tool available to get a home sold faster? In re
For first time home buyers now is the perfect time to purchase a home on the Main Line. Currently the Main Line real estate market has a large supply of homes and few buyers; therefore the likelihood that you will be competing with another buyer for the same house is slim. In addition, you can