To all of my ActiveRain connections, it's good to be back in real estate! I am proud and privileged to join the very professional real estate team at Era Polly Real Estate in Santa Maria/Orcutt, serving the California Central Coast from the Santa Ynez Valley to Paso Robles. I am "rolling up my s...
Compliments of Kevin Hauber, The Mortgage House in SLO - 16 WAYS TO GREEN YOUR HOME Lower Your Utility Bills 1. Switch to Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs Compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs) can be a huge energy saver. Replace some (or all) of your incandes- cent bulbs with fluorescents and e...
Who is eligible to claim the $7,500 tax credit?First time home buyers purchasing any kind of home-new or resale-are eligible for the tax credit. To qualify for the tax credit, a home purchase must occur on or after April 9, 2008 and before July 1, 2009. For the purposes of the tax credit, the pu...
Hi my friends! I wanted to announce that I have joined the team at the San Luis Obispo Chamber of Commerce, as Director of Member Services! Many of you are Chamber members in your respective communities, but you may not be aware how powerful a tool your membership benefits are today! There are ...
To my real estate network in Santa maria, Lompoc and Santa Ynez Valleys: Hello from Pam Adkisson! As of August 2008, I am available for Notary Signing Services for you and your clients here on the Central Coast. If your out-of area transactions require a local Notary Public, please consider me ...
To all my friends and business associates in Central Coast Real Estate. Due to the amount of local REO business activity in the Santa Maria Valley going out of area, and the general real estate conditions in the real estate industry, I am no longer representing Fidelity Title and Escrow in Santa...
It has come to our attention that some local escrow companies have been charging an additional escrow fee, on top of their standard escrow fees, to process Short Sales. PLEASE CHECK WITH YOUR LOCAL TITLE AND ESCROW PROVIDER BEFORE OPENING YOUR ESCROW AND TITLE ORDER, TO MAKE SURE YOUR CLIENTS ARE...
Is the cost of gasoline getting you down? Are you worried about rising food prices? If you find these things disturbing, then you're going to be real upset about the potential increase in home insurance cost due to the decertification of the Santa Maria River Levee. How much can flood insurance c...
This is a notice to Santa Maria California Residents that the Flood Maps are being modified and there wil be a SUBSTANTIAL changes early next year regarding Flood Insurance. Please check back or contact me directly concerning details of this Flood Map and Flood Insurance Rate Modification. Inform...
Unfortunately most REO properties, as you know, are being handled outside of our Central Coast area, as the Asset Managers have established Regional Title and Escrow Service branches. The intentions, initially, were good, as having just a few centers of operation-in theory--should help control th...