Mortgage Charlotte NC

Mortgage and Lending
Mortgage Charlotte NC
This is a letter that came from NCAMP Dear NCAMP Member:I hope this explanation will clarify the misinformation reported by the NC press and consequently running rampant throughout the mortgage industry today.The bill (HB 2188) which was signed by the Governor Mike Easley (D-NC) contained amendme...
About 2 million families in the United States have filed for bankruptcy between 2002 and 2003. If you have recently filed for Chapter 13 bankruptcy in the previous 12 months, you are probably having difficulties getting credit approval, especially for a Bankruptcy home loan. You may find a lender...
What is the Federal Housing Administration? The Federal Housing Administration, also known as "FHA", provides insurance on home loans made by approved FHA lenders throughout the United States. FHA insures home loans on single family and multifamily homes including manufactured homes and hospitals...