Hill Country Austin TX Real Estate and Mediation

Real Estate Agent - Donna Homes, powered by JPAR - TexasRealEstateMediationServices.com - 0480809
This blog is to help educate Buyers, Sellers and even other Realtors across the country. Each market is different and the way Real Estate is done is different. Austin TX Real Estate is completely different than Dallas, California, and Florida and everywhere else in between. Some times there will be other things besides real estate as I like to rant and rave as much as the next!! Come back often!
Bullying is not just for kids. Apparently, it's still a thing Adults like to do. I received an annoymous letter in the mail today from someone who was too scared to sign their name or put a return address. It was signed "Your Neighbors". This Bully decided they were too little of a person to say ...
When you bought your house, you thought it was the best house ever... and now it's a few years and a couple of kids later and it feels so cramped. Do you feel like it's a clown car busting out at the seams.Let me help you create a market analysis specific to your house and neighborhood, and then ...
Real Estate is hard. No transactions are easy... though the consumers think so many times, as we try our hardest to hide the hard parts. What makes it so hard? You're dealing with people's emotions. When I represent a Seller, I try hard to remind them that this is like a "business transaction" an...
Do you think buying or selling a home can be just your next DIY project? Think again! Many things can come up that a Professional, with years of experience, can help you through to the closing table. As a Seller, getting a buyer under contract is just the first step in a long process. Keeping the...
Many people buy a house and think it's their "forever" house. I mean, who wants to buy a house thinking they're going to do it all over again in a few years. However, that's just what happens. People obtain 30 year mortgages knowing they will not be in that house for 30 years.There are several re...
Over the years, October always seems to bring a lot of changes for me. Back in 1988, my Grandfather died in October. In 2000, I received my real estate license in October. In 2005, I got married in October...In 2017, it was announced my brokerage was merging with another. Private Label Realty is ...
On Monday, August 21st, there will be an Eclipse. There are many areas across the country where you can see a "total" eclipse. For me, that's 630+ miles away in Missouri. Looks like it's going to hit both ends at Kansas City, Missouri as well as St. Louis.If you want to see when the eclipse happe...
In 2014, the Texas redisential contract, promulgated by the Texas Real Estate Commission, added a clause for mandatory mediation if there was an issue during or after the closing of a transaction. This means that an uphappy buyer or seller can't file a lawsuit in court without first trying to set...
Alyssa is 9 1/2 years old and has always had long hair. Her hair is naturally curly, like mine, but she gets knots in her hair like I never did. I told her that we would wait until after her bug Nationals Gymnastics meet before we cut it.This was her on Friday.When I realized how much we would be...
Mediation is a mandatory clause in the Texas Real Estate Contracts that are promulgated by the state of Texas. This means, a judge doesn't want to see a real estate transaction in his courtroom unless the parties have tried Real Estate Mediation Services first.Many issues within a real estate tra...

Donna Harris

Realtor,Mediator,Ombudsman,Property Tax Arbitrator
local_phone(512) 592-7127
Contact The Author

This blog is to help educate Buyers, Sellers and even other Realtors across the country.  Each market is different and the way Real Estate is done is different.  Austin Real Estate is completely different than Dallas, California and Florida and everywhere else in between.  Some times there will be other things besides real estate as I like to rant and rave as much as the next!!  Come back often!