The following is an excerpt from my latest E-Book, The Help-U-Buy Way: The Retail Sales Strategies You Need to Succeed In Any Market. For you FREE copy email me at or visit me on Facebook. Choosing and Working With a Lending Partner One of...
Face it, if it were not for buyers with less than stellar credit we would not have the opportunities we have. If we can sell a house outright, that is what we want to do. Selling on land contract is our second preferred exit strategy. We like land contracts because when it comes time for the bu...
Tips and Techniques for Wholesaling Properties Quickly The 9 most effective and efficient ways to wholesale your property quickly - by Brad Zitzner Method #1 Have your Realtor do a radius search in the MLS for properties that have sold within.5 miles in the past 6 months. Look at all the house...
Prepping Properties for ‘Wholesale' Most of the time we are able to sell properties out right to another investor, as-is. Sometimes however, we have to put some additional cash and work into a property to help the buyer / investor purchase it. Here are a couple of ways we have done ...
How Extensive Should Your Rehab Be? Let me start this post by saying I have lost more money overdoing rehabs than any of the other mistakes I have made in real estate combined. However, I believe I have learned my lesson and can share some helpful advice, My problem, and a ma...
Why I Work With a Team "Frank Sinatra never moved pianos." That in a nutshell is why I prefer to work with a team. The number one goal at my real estate services company is each member of The McAllister Team doing what they do best at all times. Frank Sinatra was a great singer, but I'm pretty su...
We Lost $1,000,000 in Real Estate In Less Than 5 Years by Brad Zitzner and Chris McAllister is now available for Kindle download for $4.96. Our personal story of navigating the real estate downturn. This is a how-to guide of everything that worked for us, and everything that did not. Lots of cas...
WRIST MLS Sales Stats - 2010 Compared to 2009 Below please find a summary of our key sales statistics as compiled by WRIST, our MLS. WRIST covers Auglaize, Champaign, Clark, Logan, Mercer, Miami, and Shelby Counties. The information is set up to compare the full year 2010 against the full year ...
Buying a Property We Expect to Sell to Another Investor My last couple of posts have concerned valuing property for both ‘buy and hold' and to ‘flip' to a retail purchaser. Sometimes we have the opportunity to buy a property we can sell to another investor, or ‘wholesale'. Our current formula fo...
Valuing Investment Property - The ‘Flip' Hurdle A few days ago I made a rather lengthy post regarding valuing a property you intend to buy and hold. My point was that a property in a market that is not appreciating must pay for itself. No one wants an investment that eats while you sleep. Yo...