It's not easy being green. I take electronics to Interconnection, a Seattle non-profit which specializes in processing those for resale, redistribution to people in need, or recycling, whenever possible. Right now, whenever possible is HARD. There's a ton of construction going on in Fremont, righ...
Clutter and fire are a horrific combination, meeting in a heartbeat,  ferocious and deadly. That's common knowledge in my profession, and I have two clients in mind when I speak of it. But facts published in the U.S. Senate Special Committee on Aging, Aging Committee Majority Staff report “The Co...
Axios published a July 2, 2024 summary of the U.S. Senate Special Committee on Aging, Aging Committee Majority Staff report “The Consequences of Clutter: How Hoarding Disorder Affects America’s Older Adults, First Responders, and Their Communities,” That article, written by Maya Goldman in the Ax...
Good morning everyone,Below is a press release from Chairman Bob Casey’s Senate Aging Committee team. The press release discusses The Consequences of Clutter, a Majority Staff report on hoarding disorder and older adults. The report examines how hoarding disorder impacts older adults, their commu...
I'm gonna be replaced by a bunch of books once I make this recommendation. I collect organizing books the way some people collect cookbooks (Spoiler alert, I also collect cookbooks. That's a story for another day). One of the most illustrious members EVER of my profession, Valentina Sgro, Really ...
"The Panic Over Trans Sports Inclusion," a thoughtful, carefully-crafted, humane examination of human rights by Jerry Brewer in the June 9, 2024 edition of The Washington Post features the Puget Sound Pronouns, the team I proudly sponsor (I can't throw a bean bag three feet, let alone a softball)...
The Puget Sound Pronouns made it to the front page of the Sports section of the June 9, 2024 Seattle Times!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dani Donovan is an ADHD-abled inspiration for the ADHD-abled worldwide. She does it all: TikToks, comics, public speaking, a blog aaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnndThe Anti-Planner: How to Get Stuff Done When You Don't Feel Like It.I'm pointing you to the clean edition: there's a cuss-word-loaded version make...
I'm an eager fan of YouTubeing tropical fishkeeping hobbyists. An English gentleman's channel, MD Fish Tanks, is among my top five "gotta catch updates."It's not just about fishkeeping. MD is a goofy, cheerful, highly creative and intelligent young man who creates living art and share that joy. D...
Air, glass and fire. Sounds lovely, like an art studio, or maybe someone taking beach glass and trying to influence its shape at a bonfire. It's actually deadly. Empty, capped glass bottles, if caught in a fire, explode. A pile of them, 1/2 way up a wall, is more lethal than paper piled to a ceil...

Lauren Williams, CPO,CVOP

Professional Organizer: Puget Sound homes
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