Marker Monday Textile Arts held at the Library in Windsor Vermont
By Baker Home Inspection and Commercial Properties Inspections, Home and Commercial Properties Inspections Vermont
(Baker Residential and Commercial Properties Inspections)
Marker Monday Textile Arts held at the Library in Windsor Vermont, folks get your crafts ready and bring them with you to the Library. Folks on this day of Monday the 18th day of November 2013 Maker Monday Textile Arts, has been scheduled to take place at the Windsor Public Library in Windsor, Vermont. This event will be starting at 6:30 P.M. and is a Free open creative space for inspiration and collaboration. Come enjoy a mighty fine time and bring your craft. Folks Fiber Manipulators, Quilters, Spinners, Mask Makers, Knitters, Whittlers, Artists sure are all mighty welcome and anything goes. Folks with would like more information are ask to please call the Windsor Public Library at 802-674-2556 Baker Home and Commercial Properties Inspections in Vermont is not associated with, nor end...