Failed New Home Locations. Why Didn't They Ask Lenn???
By Lenn Harley, Real Estate Broker - Virginia & Maryland
(Lenn Harley,, MD & VA Homes and Real Estate)
Failed New Home Locations. Why Didn't They Ask Lenn??? The particular new home community about which this post is written is in Loudoun County, However, it doesn't matter where the new home sites are located, if the location, price, features don't work for the area, the new home builder will experience failure. Such is the case with this community. About a year ago, I noticed a new home site opening on the outskirts of Leesburg. I was intrigued. The site interested me, first because I recognized the name of the builder as local to Charles County Maryland. In fact, over the years I have sold 4-5 homes for this builder. Also, because the location of the new home community is contiguous with a stable and equestrian center where horses are boarded. Yes, you read that right, a stable,...