Sherwood Weekly Real Estate Listings Including Short Sales & Foreclosures
By Jason & Amber Gardner, We're Committed to Your Success!
(Hasson Company, Realtors)
What's going on this week in Sherwood real estate? Good question - everyone wants to know what JUST LISTED. That's why we've put together this Live Listing Feed featuring Sherwood "listings this week" on our blog - so you can get your Sherwood weekly real estate update real-time. Unlike other real estate companies who selectively choose what they want you to see, our weekly listing update is everything JUST LISTED in the MLS. Currently we're broadcasting all Sherwood listings, but will be adding the surrounding areas very soon. As this is being written, we've been testing it for 72 hours with excellent results and now we'll begin to install this awesome new feature by adding it to our websites - so wherever you run into us on the web, all the great search features from SherwoodHo...