Ring in 2013 with a First Day Hike at the Blue Hills
By Christine Smith, Exclusive Buyer Agent & Attorney, Canton, MA
(Buyers Brokers Only LLC - www.BuyersBrokersOnly.com)
Whether you are an outdoors fanatic or if you have resolved to get more exercise in 2013, the First Day Hike at the Blue Hills in Canton MA is a great way to enjoy the outdoors and get some exercise. Located on the border of Milton MA and Canton MA sits one of the state's great natural outdoor resources - the Blue Hills Reservation, managed by the Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR). It is home to a ski area, as well as the Mass Audubon's Trailside Museum, miles of hiking trails a weather observatory, a swimming spot and more. What better way to kick off the New Year than to join the DCR Park Rangers and staff from the Trailside Museum than with a hike through the beautiful Blue Hills Reservation. There is no fee to participate in the hikes and no registra...