I'm on day three of the website revamp. Exhaustion has set in and I most definitely have a headache, eyestrain, and a smidge of anxiety. Sometimes I get that two-year-old mentality that says, "I can do it mine own self!" And other times, I wish I didn't know enough to keep me in the two-year-old ...
My First Active Rain Contact! Localism ROCKS! You sit down every day, write a nice little blog post, learn how to add pictures, font colors, and make it SEO friendly. But you really don't know if it works, until your phone begins to ring. That's when you see the value. It may take months before y...
Confession time - I've been actively blogging on Active Rain for three months now. Well, December wasn't so active, I only posted 5 blogs. I've had five posts featured, one of them hitting #7 in the top ten for 2011 awards. Now, I'm not saying that to brag, I'm saying it because I often feel like...
The hair stood up on the back of my neck. My palms became sweaty. My mind raced to find a way out. All this happened within two seconds of a man at my open house leaning in very close and in a whisper saying three words to me, "Are we alone?" He didn't seem sinister. He didn't look like a bad gu...
Wow! I can't believe I came in at #7 in only a few months of blogging at Active Rain. This is the lesson I've learned - when you pour out your heart in a genuine way, it resonates. Thank you to all who commented on my post and gave me great ideas and gave me such a boost in my first two weeks her...
Previewing Houses is a BIG Waste of Time! Well, that's what I used to think. I've been in the business for several years, but always thought that previewing homes was a waste of time. I mistakenly thought the only reason to preview a home was if I had a buyer coming to the Dallas Fort Worth are...
2011 Year in Review Housing Market in Crawford Farms Fort Worth Texas You have to love Crawford Farms in North Fort Worth, even in the winter! On this particular day in January it's beautiful and sunny with a gentle breeze and a high around 63 degrees. It won't always be like that, tomorrow could...
Foreclosure in Crawford Farms in North Fort Worth Texas What comes to your mind when you think foreclosure? Not too long ago the word foreclosure was synonymous with cheap and in need of major repair. These were the homes people were flipping because they could put some sweat equity into the home...
The Ta-Dah List and How it Will Make You More Money Several years ago an email went through the mommy files telling the story of a man who came home from work, the house was a disaster, food was on the table, dishes all over the place, the kids were disheveled and in their pajamas, and Mama was i...
New Restaurant in Keller Texas on 377 in Old Town Keller - Bronson Rock It's not just anyone who can look at Old Town Keller Texas and see a vision for what could be, but General Manager of Bronson Rock, Ned Brown, is that kind of man. When he talks about Bronson Rock, Burgers and Beer, on 377 in...