It's time for a fresh start right? How about a new face on those kitchen cabinets? No plastic surgery needed! I always get asked if it is a good idea to Re-Face cabinets and of course the answer is "it depends".If you are selling your home soon than "No." Painting them may be your best option. If...
Yes you can have a New Year's resolution that isn't about losing weight or eating better. One that is specific if you are selling your home in 2016. There are many things that are important when selling your home: 1) Hiring a top-notch Realtor that is going to market your home in the best way po...
The kids forgot to tell you they need treats for a school party, need something for the office party or you need to bring something to that cookie exchange.Whatever it is we always need a super easy yet "Man you went to so much work" type of treat and I have just the one for you.Chocol...
We need to pay it forward throughout the year but there is something about the Holidays with people hurting, no families, no money for gifts for the kids, health issues and so on, that should propel us to help others. Maybe it is because we can look at what we have and know how blessed we are. I ...
I am going to go ahead and toot! A UK company asked to interview me as part of their "Designer Insight" series and the article just came out. I think it turned out great and I am so excited I had the opportunity. They asked me five questions about my style, I had to select five items t...
It depends. Don't you hate that answer! But it really does depend. What it depends on it which bathroom in your home we are talking about.It really is a tiered system when it comes to updating your bathrooms for selling purposes.Least important - Lower level bathroom (furthest from the main livin...
Yes I am and yes it is. It is an extremely fun and rewarding career and one that allows me to be creative over and over again.'s not for everyone.As soon as someone finds out I am a Home Stager besides saying "What a fun job", the next thing is either "I have always wanted to do that". O...
Yes....please do! :) I will qualify that with it depends a little on the paneling but if it is the large sheets from the 60's and 70's usually yes. Paneling is dated, dark and not wanted by buyers. Painting you dated paneling is a way to update your current home right now and have it pay off in ...
Providing Home Staging Consultations for sellers is a very large part of my business. Many Realtors offer a Home Staging Consultation with every listing because they know just how important it is to get the home in top selling condition. It will normally make their job easier in getting your home...
Happy 4th of July to you! I love when Holidays land on the weekends instead of the middle of the week. Long weekends, especially in the summer are the best. I hope you are enjoying the day with friends and family!Since this day represents our country's independence and the beginning of it's own...