Scott Skinner's (scottskinner) Blog

Mortgage and Lending - Liberty One Lending
The recent RL Brown Report has been issued.  RL Brown makes some interesting predictions relative to how homebuilders will do business in the future. "With the shifts in credit criteria, the probability of higher mortgage rates in the near and mid-terms, the loss of paper equity in the present st...
Before you take on new debt.   Check your credit report. Fix anything that is incorrect. If you are going to take on new debt, transfer debt at better rates, or re-finance your debt you want the best rate possible. Most importantly, Before you take on new debt.  Just be careful "A loan may help g...
The numbers of renters are growing. However, it is still difficult to convince renters they need insurance. In fact, statistics show that many people buy after a theft or damage. Renters insurance typically costs less than $200 a year for around $30,000 in coverage and generally includes items st...
Fannie, Freddie shares rise for 3rd straight day which is great news for the mortgage and lending business. These 2 lending giants insure or hold more than half of all US loans and mortgages. Washington-based Fannie Mae completed a $2 billion sale of short-term debt on Wednesday, two days after M...
Drinking coffee, this morning, which I am know to do, in large quantities, and (in exactly this order) waking up which arduously follows, I sit each morning, and flip between the multitude of news channels, and mainline the information from CNBC, CNN, Fox News, ESPN (for AZ sports fans, this is n...
I would only charge 1 point origination if he wants to do the loan through libertyone -At $500-million, ... La Leopolda is the world’s most expensive house.   It's just been bought by one of the world’s richest men, billionaire Chelsea Football Club owner Roman Abramovich.   past owners include M...
Today's home buyer is seeing opportunities that they may never have expected. Top 5 reasons to buy a home. is place to live and raise a family Tax benefits of interest   a 30-year/15-year fixed mortgage payment Save money by paying down your mortgage build net worth over a long period of time tim...
The one good result of the lending crisis will be better oversight and regulation of buyers ability to borrow and repayI am starting to see a lot of analysts, industry insiders and mortgage brokers discuss Alt-A as the new Sub-prime. Earlier today, Freddie Mac posted a financial loss that was mor...
Today on Wall Street, "Investors dumped the stocks of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac on Monday after Barron's reported the increasing likelihood of a U.S. Treasury bailout that would approach nationalization of the two housing finance titans."  Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae have recently indicated that ...
I have read several blogs, news headlines, and even CNBC stories about this new sensation sweeping the Nation and the mortgage and lending business. Its called .... The Down Payment.  Apparently, at one point in time the Down Payment was a common occurence when someone decided to buy a home and a...

Scott Skinner

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