Have you ever wondered what type of do-it-yourself (DIY) projects you can do around the house that may increase the value of your home? Well, HomeGain, a company that matches consumers to real estate agents, conducted a survey showing the top 12 DIY tasks and what the impact could be on your home...
In an earlier article we wrote about "What Could Happen If You Don't Pay Your Mortgage," but it seems as if home owners are walking away from their mortgages on purpose. These incidents, called strategic defaults, are happening all over the country. Voluntary foreclosures are becoming a huge dile...
Citizens Property Insurance Corp. finally gained approval to increase their rates by approximately 5.4 percent. The raise affects coverage that includes hurricane damage for homeowners. Premiums for higher risk coastal areas are yet to be set in stone and are still being revised. Kevin McCarty, F...
TURN OFF YOUR COMPUTER: Although you may not know, your computer uses 300 watts when it's still turned on, even when the monitor is off. If completely powering it down is not a viable option for you, adjust your settings so that your screen saver puts your computer to sleep when it's not in use. ...
As the state with the most foreclosures in the nation, and over one-third of loans in default, Floridians are in a lot of trouble when it comes to their mortgages. Although this is definitely not a route we encourage, people are curious of what would happen if you stopped paying your mortgage. Ro...
The Florida housing market is slowly and steadily recovering after a surge of foreclosures left the state with dwindling home values. However, a new rush of foreclosures looks as if it will saturate the area once again. The rising unemployment level, now at 11 percent, is a prime contributor to t...
Over half a dozen real estate executives have been involved and charged with mortgage fraud in Florida. Federal prosecutors and the FBI have nicknamed their new operation aimed at catching individuals implementing these schemes as "Mortgage Fraud Surge." They are seeing that much of the activity ...
The Federal Truth and Lending Act was established in 1968, but with the new changes that the Federal Reserve recently made, it is now more difficult for new home owners to qualify for mortgages. Credit scores are being scrutinized like never before. Bruce McClary of ClearPoint Credit Counseling S...
Although the housing market has been declining for a few years now, Florida home owners are trying to prove the reduced value of their properties. In counties all over the state, people have been appealing their property values, as they are applied towards determining tax assessments. However, th...
Open house events are becoming less and less frequent as the Internet takes over with online tours, videos, and neighborhood guides. But a computer screen can only convey so much about the actual look and feel of a property, and many people still prefer to visualize their future in a home by visi...