Consumers Await on Social Networks OCTOBER 10, 2008 Befriended and poked by companies Nearly six out of 10 Americans who use social media interact with companies on social media Websites, according to a September 2008 study by conducted by Opinion Research Corporation for Cone. The researchers fo...
October is National Cyber Security Awareness Month "The goal of National Cyber Security Awareness Month is to educate everyday Internet users on how to "Protect Yourself Before You Connect Yourself", by taking simple and effective steps." In observance of National Cyber Security Awareness Month, ...
REL, the nation’s leading Latino real estate network, introduced today , its latest addition of free services dedicated to empower the US Latino consumer. feature a user-friendly web interface in Spanish that makes it easy for Latino home buyers re...
Contact: For Consumer Assistance: Aracely Panameño, CRL Legal Svcs of No. VA, Manassas Cell: 202-413-6510 Office: 703-368-5711 Washington, DC, October 6 - in Prince William County, VA, the foreclosure debacle continues to ...
Home loans held by illegal immigrants in California and across the nation generally have had fewer delinquencies than similar loans held by U.S. citizens, in part because of stricter lending requirements, according to banks, insurers and Realtors, reports The Times' Anna Gorman. "Every indication...
"The goal of National Cyber Security Awareness Month is to educate everyday Internet users on how to "Protect Yourself Before You Connect Yourself", by taking simple and effective steps." In observance of National Cyber Security Awareness Month, will be sharing information wi...
Hola Noticias Jacksonville. Florida es el segundo estado del país con mayor número de remates de vivienda (foreclosure) y Jacksonville es una de las ciudades más afectadas en todo el estado.Según la compañía RealtyTrac, durante el mes de junio, una de cada 366 casas estaban en foreclosure en Jac...
Fabian Bedne, Middle Tennessee Hispanic Democratic Party Chairman, will be the guest speaker at a House Party for Barack Obama on Tuesday, October 7, 2008 at the Montgomery County Democratic Party Headquarters, 534 Madison St., Clarksville, TN, starting at 6:00 p.m.Fabian Bedne has been featured...
MYTH #1: Hispanics aren't online. FACTS: •- Over 20 million of US Hispanics are online today (nearly 50% of US Hispanic population). •- There are more than 100 million Spanish-speaking Internet users online worldwide. •- Major advertisers will s...
Dear Friend, I will be voting "no" today on the Wall Street Bailout bill. American taxpayers should not have to foot the bill for the irresponsible behavior of Wall Street executives. The average citizen is forced to play by the rules, yet many who did not now get a massive bailout from taxp...