If you are not following Patricia's series, you are missing out. This is number 8 in her series written about others here at Active Rain. Her neighborhood. You will probably find that the ones in her neighborhood are also ones in yours and if not, this is an excellent time to meet these member
I Cannot Afford a Mortgage Payment ~ "But You Are Affording One" - Someone Else's If you are renting, you are paying someone else's mortgage in essence, whether they actually have one or not. Maybe their rental unit is paid for but now you're paying them back for their mortgage in your rent. Th
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Sometimes Customer Service is a Paper Rose It's often the little things that make a difference. Lunch was at Denny's in Paris today. We had a different waitor than we've had before. We ordered our food but he returned shortly to inform me that they were out of spinach and could not prepare wha
Did You Remember to Turn the Wipers Off? We've had soooo much rain here the last couple of weeks. I don't think there's been a day that I drove without having to use the wipers. I've gotten so used to having them on and having that noise be a part of my 4Runner's sound that I've learned to tune
Meet Travis Earl Eastep III, Integrity's newest employee. Travis is Chassy's son. Chassy is our granddaughter and new Oklahoma Licensee. So that makes Travis my Great-Grandson. Chassy and Don were busy for a while showing a couple of homes this morning so Travis and I held down the fort. I e
Turning the Pudding Green ~ National Pistachio Day Today is National Pistachio Day! Now who would not want to celebrate this beloved holiday with a little green pudding? :) Pistachios are one of my favorite nuts. They are native to Asia and bring along some excellent health benefits. Pistach
Noise Reduction Coefficients When Why That Number May Be Important Large Open Floor Plans sometimes have an echo issue or noise level issue. We all enjoy being able to have a pleasant conversation in our homes without the noise from the tv or other activity, in the adjacent room being a problem.
Price REDUCED! Quality Beauty Privacy 445 Marble Valley Rd Idabel OK This home offers more home for less money than any that I know of! 445 Marble Valley Rd Idabel OK has approximately 3600 sq ft, 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, a huge Gathering/Family/Den Room, a large living room, office, formal dini
Go to your local IHOP on Tuesday, February 27, 2018 if you like pancakes. I just read that they will be giving a free stack of buttermilk pancakes on Tuesday at participating restaurants. I am glad I read about it today. I can post it so you have advance notice. There is one located close to