A new survey by Trulia.com found that 72% of all renters wish to own their own home. Of those that want to own their own home, one third are ready to buy now and two thirds say that they will wait two years or more. One-third is a very sizable number and combined with consistently low mortgage r
Effort designed to encourage principal write-downs for responsible borrowers WASHINGTON - In an effort to help responsible homeowners who owe more on their mortgage than the value of their property, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development today provided details on the adjustment to
HomePath: A purchase program for specially designated Fannie Mae REO Properties. Here is where you determine if the property is eligible for HomePath financing: www.homepath.com Specs: Owner Occupied: 1 Unit to 95% with 660 Score/2 Units to 80% with 620 Score/3-4 Units to 75% with 620 Score 1 U
A significant decline in jumbo mortgage rates (loans above $417,000) are helping to move some of the highest-end inventory. Sales volumes of homes worth more than $1 million across the country are up more than 35% from this time last year according to the National Association of Realtors. They a
Over the past week, Congress has taken quick action and passed H.R. 5981. The bill gives FHA the authority to adjust its annual mortgage insurance premium, yielding approximately $300 million per month in value to the FHA Mutual Mortgage Insurance Fund at a time when its reserves are perilously
In today's challenging real estate market, more buyers are looking at REO properties. Foreclosures are presenting both realtors and lenders new challenges. To help, Fannie Mae's HomePath® program is designed to move Fannie Mae REO properties. For the homebuyer, HomePath could be just what you or
Last night Congress finally passed legislation to restore funding to the 502 single-family rural housing program. Senator Michael Bennet (CO) and Reps. Kanjorski (PA) and Capito (WV) championed this issue that has been working its way through Congress since March. The legislation will increase
Sales of previously occupied homes surprised economists by beating economic and market estimates. According to the National Association of Realtors, June Existing Home Sales beat estimates by 190,000 units. The annualized rate came in at 5.37 million units vs. consensus estimates of only 5.18
Only 17 out of the 91 European Union's banks failed their stress test. The ultimate goal of the stress test was to give the global markets more confidence in the EU. The results were released last week and so were the criteria. No one expected the criteria to be so tough.These tests ran a bank
Borrowers who walk away from mortgages they can afford to pay - making "strategic defaults" - are running increasing risks that they'll be penalized for doing so. Starting in October, Fannie Mae says, strategic defaulters will be disqualified for new Fannie Mae-backed loans for seven years after