Charles Hendricks's (harrisonburgarchitect) Blog

Services for Real Estate Pros - The Gaines Group, PLC Architecture and Design
Going green is not a political statement, it is not more expensive, and it is not complicated. Renovating a home to green standards is healthy, it lowers maintenance costs, and it saves you money. There is a lot of bad information circulating by those that do not understand green design fully. If...
It is a difficult balance to know how to best use your resources. We want to be able to live freely and to the fullest, but what if your usage of _______ prevents someone else from having access to ________. (feel free to substitute water, air, money, food in the blanks). I was discussing yesterd...
The Green Expo is this weekend on Saturday with many opportunities to learn about promoting sustainability in the Shenandoah Valley. Join us to visit with exhibitors and to attend the seminars on High Performance Homes, Solar PV in Virginia, Local Organic Fair Sustainable Foods, Farmers Markets, ...
This is an impossible situation, everyone loses for sure. Everyone has heard the saying measure twice and cut once. It seems that when it comes to a demolition job you should at least check the scope of work and address more than once.I was trying to take in some Real Estate news as is my morning...
Interior Features Throughout: ___ In multi-story homes consider locating a bedroom & bathroom on the ground floor , and also stacking two closets for a future elevator install. ___ All doors to rooms and closets to be 34” to 36" minimum width. ___ All floor thresholds should not exceed ½" height ...
Accessible Pathways & Entrances: ___ Provide a clear obstacle free at least 36” wide walkway to front doorway from the vehicle parking area, and sidewalk. ___ Provide at least one no-step entrance to the home which may be accomplished with careful grading of the walkway run. ___ Walkway grading s...
Green remodeling can be done in small ways and doesn’t necessarily have to encompass the entire home. It’s easy to pick and choose elements that fit each particular homeowner. The following can be used: Non-toxic paints and sealants Programmable thermostats Energy Efficient Appliances Natural flo...
Looking back at my life I have made many mistakes. There were so many opportunities that I have missed due to fear, misinformation, or just general bad decision making. I wonder where I would be had I gone down a different road. I worry daily about making ends meet as an architect in this economy...
Another beautiful picture from Steve, check out his blog for many more. I particular like the colors in this one and the way the flower seems to be pulling for a bee to land softly to continue the process and provide a bright future. ── For more information on my coaching and educational programs...
Indeed, lets all get back in the saddle and force things to get better. There is no way waiting is going to help and certainly the government is not going to help. It is up to each of us to make things better in our own communities!When I was a pattern day-trader, I had a saying that is relevant ...

Charles Hendricks

local_phone(540) 437-0012
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