Below you will find some sales statistics for Moore County NC with breakdowns for single family homes and condos, as well as period comparisons for the month of June and YTD for 2007 and 2008. Yes, YTD sales volume is certainly down: about 32% YTD for single family units and 15% YTD for condos. ...
Sales volume continues to be lower vs. 2007 for both monthy and year to date figures. YTD figures show just a slight average price sole decline for single family units in Pinehurst. Condo average sale prices continue to be higher due to the increased sales of new higher end units versus '07. O...
If you are seeking a great neighborhood in Moore County with a Pinehurst address, consider Pinehurst No. 6. As of June 6, 2008, there are 48 single family homes listed for sale in No. 6., ranging in list price from $215,000 to $695,000. Of these, the oldest was built in 1986 and several are bra...
Below you will find some sales statistics for Moore County NC with breakdowns for single family homes and condos, as well as period comparisons for the month of May and YTD for 2007 and 2008. Yes, YTD sales volume is certainly down. However, it appears that in May we are starting to close the g...
Sales volume continues to be lower vs. 2007, and average prices for homes sold in Pinehurst about even with '07 figures. These figures are impacted by sales of larger, newer homes; this is especially the case with condos in the Pinehurst market with a substantial increase in the number of higher...
Sales volume continues to be lower vs. 2007, but average prices for homes in Pinehurst are up. These figures are impacted by sales of larger, newer homes; this is especially the case with condos in the Pinehurst market with a substantial increase in the number of higher-end units being sold. Pi...
A hot topic of late is how bad the real estate market is throughout many parts of the country. The truth is, most markets are actually faring very well. As is usually the case, our media gets a hold of stories and runs with them. An increase in home foreclosures in some markets is automaticall...
Southern Pines, NC is located in the southeast part of Moore County, a short drive from the towns of Aberdeen and Pinehurst. It's conveniently located close to Hwy. 1 and a very short drive to Fayetteville/Ft. Bragg. Homes in the Southern Pines real estate market consist of new and resale sing...
Less than a five minute drive east of the famous Pinehurst Country Club, you will find the top-rated private Mid South Club and golf community. Frequently I work with home searchers who start out focused on finding a home within the Pinehurst city limits. Maybe it's their desire to have a Pineh...
Buying a condo in Pinehurst as a second home or investment property offers many potential benefits. Aside from an opportunity to reap the financial benefits of any future appreciation in the property, condo owners have the ability to join one of the most famous golf clubs in the country, Pinehur...