Do you have a publicists? For most of you I am sure that your immediate answer is no. If you have ever seen a celebrity in a bind, it should come as no surprise the way they send their publicists out to put a spin on bad deeds that they have done. The job of the publicists is to spin bad stories
Far too often in life, many of us make the mistake of adding our own 2 cents to the facts of life. The problem is that our own 2 cents are not based on fact. Instead our own 2 cents are based on the fiction that many of us mistakingly take as truth.Our 2 cents combined with the 2 cents of societ
"If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost. There is where they should be. Now put foundations under them" Henry Thoreau I can't help but think of how perfectly this quote puts the idea of realizing your dreams. Dreams are the castles in the air, while your actions taken
As the author of several real estate investing courses, it never ceases to amaze me that so many people find my real estate systems extremely helpful in their quest for real estate investing success, while about 1 out of about 80 are throughly convinced that I was trying to rip them off. As if I
Obama or Clinton? Who knows or better yet who should care? Why on earth are so many people worried about politics, when their own lives are so far out of order? To me, many of the people asking questions about politics are like a homeless people asking me what type of shingles they should choose
I am often asked by other real estate investors how much profit can be made in a wholesaling real estate transaction. There are many aspects to determining how much profit can be made on each deal. In one way or another your profit will be determined by one of the 3 items listed below.The price o
For more information on real estate wholesaling and wholesaling real estate check out my real estate investing blog at Joe was positive that he would be shooting a deer this year. After all, Joe had been learning about hunting his whole life. His dad had taught him ho
Real estate investing is one of the greatest money makers on the planet, and part of the success process is Setting goals and keeping them. This is something that I have always been intrigued Why do people not set goals? The fact is, most people spend more time printing a map to Disney world tha
The other night I was flipping channels when I stumbled upon a special about elephants. A researcher had been following a group of elephants for the past 15 years and was documenting his findings. Though I am not by any means an avid elephant fan, I found the show very enjoyable. One of the elep
Wholesaling Real Estate - Finding Buyers Part 2 Wholesaling Real Estate - Finding Buyers Part 2By Eric Medemar One of the first steps in wholesaling real estate is locating buyers. In part 2 of this 3 part series I will be adding 4 more strategies that I have personally used to sell millions in r