
Racine, WI Real Estate News

By Dan Gobis
(Re/Max Newport Realty Corp.)
It was a great competition, and is gaining popularity every year. This year was very accomodating to the artists as well as to the sculptures. Beautiful works of ice art lined Main St. in Downtown Racine. This sculpture, in front of an Art Gallery and next to a Coffee Shop is still intact since January 12th. Today is January 24 and it has not even begun to melt! Brrrrr
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By Dan Gobis
(Re/Max Newport Realty Corp.)
Racine has an absolutely beautiful Library in a world class setting, overlooking General Pershing Park and Lake Michigan. I believe it was built around 1960, with an addition in the 1990's, replaced an outdated, but beautiful Library Building that was built in 1903-1904 with an endowment from the Andrew Carnegie Foundation. Outstanding programs for everyone from pre-schoolers to Senior citizens are offered on a regular basis. Program schedules are available at old Library is located one block west of the current library and houses the Racine Historical Society.Wonderful exhibits about Racine's World Class Companies such as Horlick's Malted Milk Co., S.C. Johnson & Son, Mitchell Wagon & Motor Car Co., Jacobsen Manufacturing, In-Sink-Erator, Modine, and many other...
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Should I buy or should I rent? In Racine, Wisconsin, a beautiful city on the shores of Lake Michigan, it appears you should buy. Living on one of the largest fresh water lakes in the world has exceptional value in itself! When you consider the average sale price of a home in Racine for the 1st quarter 2007 is $120,273.00 (per MLS statistics), extreme value must come to mind!In the 1st quarter 1997 the average sale price of a home in Racine was $76,114.00 (per MLS statistics).If you rented in the time period from 1997-2007 you gained $0.00 in equity/net worth. If you bought a home in 1997, and owned through the 1st quarter 2007, your equity/net worth would have potentially increased $44,159.00.Racine did not experience the double digit appreciation rates in property values as other areas...
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My Market area is Racine, Wisconsin a beautiful, old, port city on the western shore of Lake Michigan. We are poised for exceptional growth, located less than 1 hour from the Chicago suburbs, 1 hour from O'Hare International Airport, 1/2 hour from Milwaukee, and Mitchell International Airport.We have a world class marina, on a world class lake. Our downtown is made up of buildings built from the 1840's to the World Class Johnson Company Building built in 2003. We have on going construction of condos on the lake, and existing condos with panoramic Lake Michigan views from under $200,000. We have nearly $1 Billion in development from the recent past to projects currently on the table.We have buildings constructed under direct supervision of Frank Lloyd Wright that are open to the public, ...
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By Sandra Mallas
(Town&Lake realty)
Blame it on Insomnia,or I have really become addicted to this active rain blogging,just as I have my real estate business.We have all heard the slow market thing,or buyers market verbage.I do this all day every day and I have to tell you, REAL ESTATE is a GOOD Investment.Just think about it :    All the advances in medical technology allow us to live longer and we all need a place to live.Right now there are great historic homes in the Milwaukee,Racine area that need a little TLC but are priced under the assessed value.They are Diamonds in the rough.Milwaukee and racine both border  lake Michigan and are easy commutes to all amenities such as schools,shopping,medical care.I know I am not the only one that sees the great potential in these areas as I have investors from the california ar...
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