Waukesha County Real estate sales and activity, life navagation, and more.
By Tom Braatz Waukesha County Real Estate 262-377-1459, Waukesha County Realtor Real Estate agent. SOLD!
(Coldwell Banker)
Your MLS Search Starts here The 30 days of Real Estate Market Activity for Waukesha County Wisconsin. Waukesha County Life The following is the real estate market activity for the last thirty days in Waukesha County Real Estate . Waukesha County Real Estate is great. The following MLS information is for 4/20/2012 to 5/20/2012 In the Waukesha County Real Estate market 453 homes sold; 90 were list and sold by the same company, and 363 were sold by co-brokes. In the Waukesha County Real Estate market there were 856 new listings. In the Waukesha County Real Estate market there were 336 pending listings. In the Waukesha County Real Estate market there were 7 withdrawn listings. In the Waukesha County Real estate market there were 0 canceled listings. In the Waukesha County Real Estate...