If you love: Beer, German food, German decor, German novelties, have I got a place for you! Right in our back yard. THE VON ROTHENBERG BIER STUBE right on Main Street in Germantown! A unique Fachwerk (plaster & timber) building, the inside is charming. Many German items decorate the interior, a hand carved bar, stained glass windows, and cozy seating areas. But the featured item is BEER! Most restaurants have a wine list, well here you get a bier list with over 200 bottled beers from around the world and 6 German draught beers. All served in the proper glass from a mug or a pilsner to "DAS BOOT"... A small menu will please you with some German favorites including Leberkase (my husbands favorite-reminds him of his childhood years in Germany). In summer there is an outdoor beer ga...