Real Estate Broker.Accredited buyer agent & Certified Residential Brokerage Manager. Serving Waukesha & Milwaukee County.Focus in Lake Country areas such as Delafield, Oconomowoc, Okauchee, Chenequa.
Cell: 262-443-1100•
Office: 262-646-HOME•More Info
By Tom Braatz Waukesha County Real Estate 262-377-1459, Waukesha County Realtor Real Estate agent. SOLD!
(Coldwell Banker)
Delafield Wisconsin Real Estate is a wonderful place to work and enjoy life, and Delafield Wisconsin is a great place to live. The following MLS information is for 2/10/2024 to 3/10/2024. In the Delafield Wisconsin Real Estate market 9 homes sold; 0 were list and sold by the same company, and 9 were sold by co-brokes.In the Delafield Wisconsin Real Estate market there were 9 new listings.In the Delafield Wisconsin Real Estate market there were 2 pending listings.In the Delafield Wisconsin Real Estate market there were 2 withdrawn listings.In the Delafield Wisconsin Real Estate market there were 0 canceled listings.In the Delafield Wisconsin Real Estate market there were 3 expired listings.In the Delafield Wisconsin Real Estate market there were 3 back on market listings.In the Delafie...
By Tom Braatz Waukesha County Real Estate 262-377-1459, Waukesha County Realtor Real Estate agent. SOLD!
(Coldwell Banker)
In the City of Delafield Wisconsin you have the luxury of walking through the beautiful streets of downtown Delafield with all it's great restaurants and window shopping. Enjoy the many beautiful homes, the views, and stop to talk to some really great people. Minutes away in Lake Nagawicka as well as Lower Nashotah and Upper Nemahbin and lower Nemahbin . Many more lakes are in a short drive but Delafield Wisconsin literally allows you to walk from one lake and across the street to another lake within a minute. Looking at relocating or moving to Delafield Wisconsin? Looking at Delafield Wisconsin Real Estate or homes for sale in Delafield Wisconsin ? Lake Country real estate is beautiful and you can always search for yourself with the MLS search below or ask for a relocation package....
By Tom Braatz Waukesha County Real Estate 262-377-1459, Waukesha County Realtor Real Estate agent. SOLD!
(Coldwell Banker)
The following is the real estate market activity for the last thirty days in Delafield Wisconsin Real estate. Delafield Wisconsin Real Estate is great. The following MLS information is for 3/22/2012 to4/22/2012 In the Delafield Wisconsin Real Estate market 12 homes sold; 3 were list and sold by the same company, and 9 were sold by co-brokes. In the Delafield Wisconsin Real Estate market there were 49 new listings. In the Delafield Wisconsin Real Estate market there were 9 pending listings. In the Delafield Wisconsin Real Estate market there were 0 withdrawn listings. In the Delafield Wisconsin Real Estate market there were 0 canceled listings. In the Delafield Wisconsin Real Estate market there were 36 expired listings. In the Delafield Wisconsin Real Estate market there were 17 bac...
By Tom Braatz Waukesha County Real Estate 262-377-1459, Waukesha County Realtor Real Estate agent. SOLD!
(Coldwell Banker)
The following is the real estate market activity for the last thirty days in Delafield Wisconsin Real estate. Delafield Wisconsin Real Estate is great. The following MLS information is for 3/12/2012 to4/12/2012 In the Delafield Wisconsin Real Estate market 12 homes sold; 3 were list and sold by the same company, and 9 were sold by co-brokes. In the Delafield Wisconsin Real Estate market there were 48 new listings. In the Delafield Wisconsin Real Estate market there were 10 pending listings. In the Delafield Wisconsin Real Estate market there were 0 withdrawn listings. In the Delafield Wisconsin Real Estate market there were 0 canceled listings. In the Delafield Wisconsin Real Estate market there were 38 expired listings. In the Delafield Wisconsin Real Estate market there were 17 ba...
By Tom Braatz Waukesha County Real Estate 262-377-1459, Waukesha County Realtor Real Estate agent. SOLD!
(Coldwell Banker)
Hard to believe it is the middle of March and already the weather is just perfect. I love it when my windows are down and the warm air just consumes me. I open my sunroof and just think it's great to drive and visit my clients. They are already getting ready to get their spring house keeping in order and started, and some are going as far as having their gardens planned. I cant tell you what a joy and privilege it is to live in Delafield Wisconsin. If you have ever thought of relocating or moving to Delafield Wisconsin I would love to talk to you and I would love to show you what a wonderful County this is, and all the great towns, cites, and villages that make up Waukesha County Wisconsin. Add to that the lakes, the people, and all the great shops, restaurants, and more and you have a ...
By Tom Braatz Waukesha County Real Estate 262-377-1459, Waukesha County Realtor Real Estate agent. SOLD!
(Coldwell Banker)
Having trouble viewing this email? Click here Your MLS Search Starts here Tom Braatz -Re/Max Realty Center. Barbeques, warm weather, flowers and fields, open windows with fresh air; it's all we look forward to and it's great that it's right around the corner. When you combine the promise of Spring and everything new it brings with a new and productive real estate market it makes for a winning combination! Then One Day I set Out. 03-05-2012 16:57:22 PM I have been selling Waukesha County real estate for just about 25 years now, and if there is one thing I have learned is the only thing constant about real estate is change. Change in forms, change in government, change in laws, changes in underwriting, change in just about every angle of this Industry. I do one thing that is never go...
What's Happening in Real Estate in Delafield,Waukesha County? WI Realtor,Lisa Bear, Gives You The Real Estate Activity For DELAFIELD, WI For the Last 30 Days: Real Estate In Waukesha County My name is Lisa Bear of Remax. My market report gives you the real estate activity for DELAFIELD for the last 30 days. The following MLS information is for the last 30 days from 9/20/11 to 10/20/11. Lisa Bear Gives You The Real Estate Activity For Delafield, WI For the Last 30 Days: Real Estate In Waukesha County, WI In the DELAFIELD,Waukesha County,Wisconsin Real Estate market 21 homes sold; 5 were listed and sold by the same company, and 16 were sold by co-brokes. In the DELAFIELD, Wisconsin Real Estate market there were 31 new listings. In the DELAFIELD,Wisconsin Real Estate market there were 1...