Apartment and Condominium Owners water saving tips
By Ricky D. Sadler, Trusted Senior Property Advisor & Marketing Expert
(Real Estate Marketing Experts &Trusted Senior Advisors on Property Management services, Rentals Leasing, Landlord Tenant )
I'm one of those people that never read the inserts in my utilities bills. Till our rates started going sky high last year and I started to look for ways to save $ this my be of a benfit to apartment Apartment and Condominium Owners water saving tips Water-saving tips for tenants Here are five water-saving tips to help tenants save water: Reduce shower waste –to install an efficient showerhead and keep showers to less than five minutes. Turn off the faucet – You don’t need to keep the faucet running when you are brushing your teeth, washing dishes or shaving. Also ask your building manager to replace older faucet aerators (nozzles) with water efficient aerators. Wash full loads of laundry and dishes or choose the load size the matches the amount of clothes or dishes that n...