Okay so it's been about a month since the Hot lanes on 167 from Auburn to Renton has opened. I tried to be objective and gave it a chance. My conclusion.............I see NO difference at all in my commute times. I had a feeling that this is what would happen but felt that I needed give it some time. In my opinion what a waste of time and tax payers money this has been! No one wants to pay $1.50 to bypass traffic for 2 miles from Kent only to get stuck again with everyone else on 405-N! On the bright side the D.O.T did get an additional $3 from me for their "shield" should I want to use the HOV lanes when I have a passenger. Yes I had to pay $3 to do something that I should be doing for free anyway. Putting hot lanes on I-405......now that would be a concept! That is something ...