
Springfield, VT Real Estate News

By Baker Home Inspection and Commercial Properties Inspections, Home and Commercial Properties Inspections Vermont
(Baker Residential and Commercial Properties Inspections)
We could very well have had Columbus's Day, Have you ever heard of Bartholomew Columbus? Well he was Christopher Columbus broter, there is some disagreement to whether he is a elder or younger broter. Its said they both planned the ocean voyage, and both traveled around Europe tryen to raise money for the voyage. But Christopher got the money that he needed and sailed off with out Bartholomew. But no one seems to know why he got left behind. But if Bartholomew had not, we could very well have had the holiday called Columbus's Day.       Baker Home and Commercial Properties InspectionsPO Box 570Charlestown, New Hampshire 03603Office: 603-826-4207Cell: 603-477-8072   Link to Baker Home and Commercial Properties Inspections Website       Disclaimer: Any of the information herein may come f...
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By Baker Home Inspection and Commercial Properties Inspections, Home and Commercial Properties Inspections Vermont
(Baker Residential and Commercial Properties Inspections)
First Time Home Buyer be careful using an Automatic payment Plans, you really want to be very careful when signen up for any kind of automatic payment plans which deduct a regular amount from your credit card, or your checking account. Lets use a Gym membership for an example. If it should go unused, it could very will cost you hundreds of dollars a year before you ever get around to calling and canceling it. Be sure to review any and all automatic bills monthly to determine if its really worth it.       Baker Home and Commercial Properties InspectionsPO Box 570Charlestown, New Hampshire 03603Office: 603-826-4207Cell: 603-477-8072   Link to Baker Home and Commercial Properties Inspections Website       Disclaimer: Any of the information herein may come from various sources, some of whic...
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By Baker Home Inspection and Commercial Properties Inspections, Home and Commercial Properties Inspections Vermont
(Baker Residential and Commercial Properties Inspections)
Do you know that you can actually see the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans at the sametime, yes you really can. Althouugh here in the United States, they are more than 2,500 miles apart. There are spots in Central America where the two biggest oceans in the world, are actually separated only by 50 miles or less of land. Take Panama for instance, the problam lies in the lay of the land, there are not any mountains that could offer you a view of the Atlantic and Pacific at the same time. But if you go to Costa Rica, its 11,325 foot Mount Izaru, is the one an only point in the world which one can actually view both the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans at the sametime.             Baker Home and Commercial Properties InspectionsPO Box 570Charlestown, New Hampshire 03603Office: 603-826-4207Cell: 603-4...
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By Baker Home Inspection and Commercial Properties Inspections, Home and Commercial Properties Inspections Vermont
(Baker Residential and Commercial Properties Inspections)
You just might find this to be Strange, you know it more than likely is going to sound mighty strange to hear someone say that rain keeps Mother Earth dry, but thats exactly what it does. The process that generates precipitation gathers moisture from the air and concentrates it in the clouds, which later deposit the water in the form of rain. If that moisture didn't condense to form rain, then the atmosphere would be unbearably humid. All of Mother Earth would be heavily coverd with moisture, and life as we know just might not exist.       Be Happy and use the Rain!!!             Baker Home and Commercial Properties InspectionsPO Box 570Charlestown, New Hampshire 03603Office: 603-826-4207Cell: 603-477-8072   Link to Baker Home and Commercial Properties Inspections Website       Disclaim...
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By Baker Home Inspection and Commercial Properties Inspections, Home and Commercial Properties Inspections Vermont
(Baker Residential and Commercial Properties Inspections)
Two Facts to know if Moving to California or Indiana, As I was doing some research recently for a client, on an item that has to do with the home he is buying. Thats he feels is not on the up and up, and could very will be against the Law. This client knows that I have worked in and with Lew Enforcement in the pass. Will I came along a couple of Laws, one in California and the other is in Gary, Indiana. So just thought I'd share them with the many readers that stop by and sit to visit, could read them.       Two Facts to know if Moving to California or Indiana, its against the Law in the State of California to set a trap for a mouse, unless you have a hunting license. If you really like Italian food with lots of garlic, and you're in Gary, Indiana. Then you'll sure want to know its agai...
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By Baker Home Inspection and Commercial Properties Inspections, Home and Commercial Properties Inspections Vermont
(Baker Residential and Commercial Properties Inspections)
Women's Health Resource Center Free Lectures, casses for all agrs and stages: Important registration information 603-650-2600 All classes take place at the Women's Health Resource Center, located on the mall in Lebanon, New Hampshire, unless otherwise noted. All classcs must be paud for in full one week before the class begins. They are unable to provide refunds for any program one week prior to the class starts. The Women's Health Resource Center reserves the right to cancel any class or program due to insufficient enrollment. There are Scholarships available from donations that have been made to the  Women's Health Resource Center Scholarship Fund.       Women's Health Resource Center Free Lectures, the free lecture series are on planning for retirement.   Long-term care planning: Wed...
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By Baker Home Inspection and Commercial Properties Inspections, Home and Commercial Properties Inspections Vermont
(Baker Residential and Commercial Properties Inspections)
Women's Health Resource Center REIKI Programs, casses for all agrs and stages: Important registration information 603-650-2600 All classes take place at the Women's Health Resource Center, located on the mall in Lebanon, New Hampshire, unless otherwise noted. All classcs must be paud for in full one week before the class begins. They are unable to provide refunds for any program one week prior to the class starts. The Women's Health Resource Center reserves the right to cancel any class or program due to insufficient enrollment. There are Scholarships available from donations that have been made to the Women's Health Resource Center Scholarship Fund.     Women's Health Resource Center REIKI Progams, REIKI programs, now approved for Nursing contact hours!!!   All classes will be taught b...
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By Baker Home Inspection and Commercial Properties Inspections, Home and Commercial Properties Inspections Vermont
(Baker Residential and Commercial Properties Inspections)
A Different kind of Septic System Springfield Vermont Series Part 1 of 2, If your using or you have read the main series, thalking about using a Composting Toilet System. You just my be tihnking, what do you do with the end-produci of it. You'll find the finished humus has the consistency of leaves that have been compoted, and should have an earthy smell to it, but not offensive.               You'll want to check the rules of your State, seen that most States do require sending it to a treatment facility or burying it under at least 12 inches of soil, it idealy best to put it within the root zone of non-edible plants that can use the nutrients. There has been many users have placed the composted material out side in a pile to finish composting, and add more mulch and yard waste. A Diff...
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By Baker Home Inspection and Commercial Properties Inspections, Home and Commercial Properties Inspections Vermont
(Baker Residential and Commercial Properties Inspections)
A Different kind of Septic System Springfield Vermont Series Post 2 of 2, this post is the second part of the three posts that I'm doing to accompany the series. I'm writing for a series challenge.               There's always a possibility of odor varies with a Composting Toilet System, just as there's also possibility of getting backup odor from a regular Septic System. A system with a remote compost-er coupled with a toilet with a trap like a micro-flush toilet very rarely, if ever produces any odors. A Different kind of Septic System Springfield Vermont Series Post 2, Now a self-contained composting toilet is more apt to produce them.           Using a good fan venting system in the right direction should very will prevent this, in fact a good fan will often vents all odors from the...
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By Baker Home Inspection and Commercial Properties Inspections, Home and Commercial Properties Inspections Vermont
(Baker Residential and Commercial Properties Inspections)
A Whole Different kind of Septic System Windsor County Vermont Part 1 of 3, there are three parts of this series. This serie talkes about Composting Toilet Systems.                 When your not able, or its not feaslble to install a full septic system, such as in remote areas, or where theres poor soil drainage, you do have an alternative system that you just may want to look into. And that system is a composting toilet.                   A Composting Toilet System, also known as a dry, biological, or waterless toilet system, use the same biological process as that in your yard to composte your yard waste to oxidize and break down blackwater into a stable form that looks like soil, and not sewage.     A Whole Different kind of Septic System Windsor County Vermont Part 1of 3, composting...
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By Baker Home Inspection and Commercial Properties Inspections, Home and Commercial Properties Inspections Vermont
(Baker Residential and Commercial Properties Inspections)
A Whole Different kind of Septic System Windsor County Vermont Part 2 of 3, why think about installing a Composting Toilet, for your new construction home, or if your needing to replace, your existing private septie system. Essentially a composting toilet is used to divert excrement from the wastewater mix. In some State's this could mean by installing a composting system, the property owner could install a graywater only drainfield that is 35 to 40 percent smaller than a full sized one, saving the owner mony and preserving landscpe around their home.             Daily Indoor Water Usage Graft for a Single Family Home           Peak Wastewater Flows Graft for a Single Family Home             There are many other reasons a property owner may want to install a composting toilet including ...
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By Baker Home Inspection and Commercial Properties Inspections, Home and Commercial Properties Inspections Vermont
(Baker Residential and Commercial Properties Inspections)
A Whole Different kind of Septic System Windsor County Vermont Part 3 of 3, would you like to save a bit of money, on your City or Town sewage system or just maybe you are needing to replace, your private septic system. You may want to think about puting in a Composting Toilet System. This idea really is not all that need, now if your in the age area that I'm in. You sure will remember the ole Outhouses.I'm here to tell you, I sure did use a many of an Outhouse in my younger days.     Now this sure is a mighty fine looken Outhouse       Cost of a manufactured composting toilet system vary a lot. Mybe you would like one for your, year round home of two adults and a couple of kids. A system could very will range anywhere from $1,200.00 up to $6000.00. Now if you would want to put one in a...
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By Baker Home Inspection and Commercial Properties Inspections, Home and Commercial Properties Inspections Vermont
(Baker Residential and Commercial Properties Inspections)
Baker Home and Commercial Properties Inspections, By the time we complete your Home or Commercial Property Inspection, you will know the Home or Commercial Property better than the owner does! Howdy, and welcome to my blog. Thank you kindly for taking time from your busy schedule to visit today. I know that you will enjoy checking out my many blog posts, here at my Vermont Blog in the ActiveRain Real Estate Networking community. You're going to have the time of your life, learning about the Home Inspection and Home Components, about the areas of Vermont. I look forward to meeting you and providing you with a superior service.                 Baker Home and Commercial Properties Inspections, Have your Home Inspected before buying. Inspecting the physical condition and mechanical componen...
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By Baker Home Inspection and Commercial Properties Inspections, Home and Commercial Properties Inspections Vermont
(Baker Residential and Commercial Properties Inspections)
Baker Home and Commercial Properties Inspections Vermont Blog, is written To help Enhance Customer Relationships, Back when I first joined the community, I had not ever read a blog. Now not only do I read and learn from visiting other members blog posts, you'll find the posts with in this blog are written to help others to learn, whether the folks are Real Estate Professionals or the many folks from all over the World, that stop by to visit, my Client's, and the folks that will become clients. So just how is my blog useful for folks, and how do I use my little ole Blogging Homestead to help my clients and the folks that are going to become clients, will one way is by writing blog posts. That help folks to understand about their new home and the many components that make up a home. When ...
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By Baker Home Inspection and Commercial Properties Inspections, Home and Commercial Properties Inspections Vermont
(Baker Residential and Commercial Properties Inspections)
Vermont First Time Home Buyer-Carbon Monxide and Your Home, Baker Home and Commercial Properties Inspections, want's to help you understand about Carbon Monoxide in the home, unvented propane and kerosene space heaters, leaking chimneys and furnaces, back drafting from furnaces, propane hot water heaters, wood stoves, fireplaces, and propane stoves. Automobile exhaust from a attached garage. Environmental tobacco smoke. At low concentrations of Carbon Monoxide, fatigue in healthy folks and chest pain in folks with heart disease. Carbon Monoxide at higher concentrations, impaired vision and coordination, headaches, dizziness, confusion, nausea. It can cause flu=like symptoms that clear up after leaven your home. Carbon Monoxide is fatal at very high concentrations. Vermont First Time Hom...
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By Baker Home Inspection and Commercial Properties Inspections, Home and Commercial Properties Inspections Vermont
(Baker Residential and Commercial Properties Inspections)
Vermont Employers Important Alert About Worker's Compensation, Baker Home and Commercial Properties Inspections wants you to know, if you're a Vermont employer that should sendes employees into Massachusetts, you need to know this important news about the worker's compensation enforcement at the Massachusetts border. If your employees or even yourself, travel into or even through Massachusetts, you or your employees could very well be stopped and be required to show proof of your worker's compensation coverage that specifically listing Massachusetts as a covered State. Vermont Employers Important Alert About Worker's Compensation, if you're unable to provide a copy of your policy, the Massachusetts Department of Industrial Accidents could very well issue you a Stop Work Order and/or fin...
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By Baker Home Inspection and Commercial Properties Inspections, Home and Commercial Properties Inspections Vermont
(Baker Residential and Commercial Properties Inspections)
Turn Down Your Thermostat A Bit Energy Efficient Vermont, by turning down your thermostat, you can save two to three percent in home energy costs for every degree you lower the thermostat around the clock in the winter time. Lowering your heat from 72 degrees to 65 degrees for at least eight hours a day, can save you as much as 10 percent on your annual heating costs. Also lower your heat when ever everyone leaves your home for the day and then lower it back down just before going to to bed. By using a programmable thermostat; it will automatically turn down the heat  and will make your home warm for you when you need it.     Link to Baker Home and Commercial Properties Inspections Website         Disclaimer: Dale Baker Owner of Baker Home and Commercial Properties Inspections disclaims...
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By Baker Home Inspection and Commercial Properties Inspections, Home and Commercial Properties Inspections Vermont
(Baker Residential and Commercial Properties Inspections)
Home Component Recalls a First Time Home Buyer needs to know-Decks-1, when you are looking at a home to buy, ask the sellers, if there are any home components of the home that has or have had a recall on them. Even if you are not using myself (Baker Home and Commercial Properties) to do your Home Inspection. Home Buyers should feel free to print these recalls out, and ask your Home Inspector to check and see if these items are part of the home's components. You see resalled home components are not really asked about with in the home owner disclosure sheets, (it one of those little loopholes) Composite Decks Recall by Louisiana-Pacific; Decks can deteriorate and break, posing a fall hazard.           This was a voluntary recall of the following consumer producd, by the Manufacturer. Folk...
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By Baker Home Inspection and Commercial Properties Inspections, Home and Commercial Properties Inspections Vermont
(Baker Residential and Commercial Properties Inspections)
Vermont First Time Home Buyer and Home Owner, Does Your Home have Adequate Ventilation? Year round the roof of a home absorbes solar het from the sun. In the summer months this heat needs to be managed, otherwise it sure will radiate down in to the home, making the living and sleeping areas mighty uncomfortably warm in the afternoon and evenen. This here problem sure is noticed especially with two story, tri-levels and split-entry home.           Home Buyer and Home Owner this is something you are going to want to know.     Vermont First Time Home Buyer and Home Owner, you are offered guidance from HUD's minimum property standards of how much ventilation your home should have. HUD's standards call for home ventilation to be one square foot of net free vent area for every hundred and fif...
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By Baker Home Inspection and Commercial Properties Inspections, Home and Commercial Properties Inspections Vermont
(Baker Residential and Commercial Properties Inspections)
Vermont First Time Home Buyer what really matters,The home buying process can be mighty stressful at times. A home inspection is supposed to give you peace of mind, but some times has the opposite effect. Your going to be asked to absorb a lot of information in a very short time frame. This often includes a written report or a checklist, depending on the report the home inspector you hire uses.   A report with photographs is the best report to have, environmental reports and what the inspector himself says during the inspection. All this combined with the seller's disclosure and what you notice yourself makes the experience even more overwhelming. What should you do? ( Relax ). Most of your inspection will be maintenance recommendations, life expectancies and minor imperfections. These ...
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