
Springfield, VT Real Estate News

By Baker Home Inspection and Commercial Properties Inspections, Home and Commercial Properties Inspections Vermont
(Baker Residential and Commercial Properties Inspections)
Vermont's Sugar-on-Snow - Is it Really or Is It Really Not, that time year is just around the corner. Making whats call sugar-on-snow is a fun and tasty idem to make and eat here in Vermont in the winter time. Just what is Sugar-on-Snow you mighty be thinking, will its actually hot syrop that is poured on top of snow in a bowl. The snow causes the syrup to solidify mighty quickly into a sticky strip of sweet, and mighty chewy candy. Sugar-on-Snow is usually a New England rite of spring. You sure don't want to confuse it with the maple snow cone, which is a warm weather treat for folks at local County fairs. Which involves the pouring of cold maple syrup over finely crushed ice in a paper cup. Have a good one Dale in Vermont     Localism information by Baker Home and Commercial Propertie...
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By Baker Home Inspection and Commercial Properties Inspections, Home and Commercial Properties Inspections Vermont
(Baker Residential and Commercial Properties Inspections)
World War 2 and Korean War Veterans Reunion Day Springfield Vermont, on this day the 5th of September 2010 the Robert L. Johnson VFW Post 771 in Springfield and the VFW Post 2571 of White River Junction, Vermont are holding a Reunion Day for World War 2 and Korean War Veterans at the Springfield, Vermont VFW. They are inviting Veterans Statewide from Vermont and New Hampshire of the 1940 to 1953 generation, to come join together for a day of activity for these Veterans that returned to their communities holding their pain and sorrow inside, but yet they managed to set standards for each and every American. This reunion day will include food, entertainment, guest speakers and story-takers to collect any experiences that any of the Veterans would care to share. The entertainment will incl...
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By Baker Home Inspection and Commercial Properties Inspections, Home and Commercial Properties Inspections Vermont
(Baker Residential and Commercial Properties Inspections)
Homes For Sale There a Home Here a Home-Homes Every Where, just what kind of home are you looking for? When folks start looking for a home, they need to think about just what kind of the four main kind of homes will be best for them. I have had folks ask me in the pass, whether if their home come under being a Duplex or a Townhouse. So I thought this would be a good blog post to write about the four main kind of homes. No matter which kind of home you buy, you really should have a Home Inspection. A House, this kind of home is usually looked at as being a single family stand alone structure, in which you would own the structure and the land in which it sits on. As the own you will be responsible for all obligations that comes with home ownership, like mainienance and taxes.             ...
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By Baker Home Inspection and Commercial Properties Inspections, Home and Commercial Properties Inspections Vermont
(Baker Residential and Commercial Properties Inspections)
Singles Dance being held at the VFW in Springfield Vermont, this dance is by the Valley Singles Club, on Saturday the 11th of September. The dance will be held at the VFW, which is located at 191 River Street in Springfield, Vermont. The dance will be held from 8:00 P.M. to midnight. Pulse will be performing music from the 50's, 60's, 70's and you can make requests. There will also be a 50/50 raffle held, and door prizes. There will also be snacks. All singles are invited come enjoy the dance!   Have a good one Dale in Vermont   Localism information by Baker Home and Commercial Properties Inspections blog post 153 - 3 September 2010 North Springfield, Vermont     Disclaimer: Any of the information herein may come from various sources, some of which may not be reliable and may change wit...
Comments 4
By Baker Home Inspection and Commercial Properties Inspections, Home and Commercial Properties Inspections Vermont
(Baker Residential and Commercial Properties Inspections)
When will you lowlife Spammer learn Americans are not at all Dum, spammers of the would, I would your attention. That is if you smart enough to know how to give it! Which I do not really think you are!!! Stop attacking the fine members of the ActiveRain Real Estate community, with your spam comments and your spam e-mail contacts. I have had with each and every one of you!!! I want you to know that I'm going to fight you and help to take each and every one of you lowlifes down. I give you my word on that!!! I would also like each of to know, I already helped to take 75 of your little lowlife friends down, and helped to get them free room and board. If you want to be next, then just keep up your bull crap and I'll see that you join the others! The one that sent this is the next one to go ...
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By Baker Home Inspection and Commercial Properties Inspections, Home and Commercial Properties Inspections Vermont
(Baker Residential and Commercial Properties Inspections)
Springfield Vermont a Chicken here and there-Chicken Barbecue to Enjoy, the United Methodist Church would like to ask the Springfield and all of the surrounding communitys to come to a Chicken Barbecue dinner on Saturday the 11th of September 2010. The United Methodist Church is located at 10 Valley Street which is at the top of Springfield's square, be sure to look for the Town clock. The first chick will be coming off at 11:00 A.M. and serving will be starting at noon and continue until they sell-out. The cost of the Chicken Barbecue dinner is only $10.00, you can eat in or you can take it out. Now if you should be needing a large dinner order, you can place it by calling United Methodist Church at 802-885-3456 on Wedneesday or Friday. Springfield Vermont a Chicken here and there-Chic...
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By Baker Home Inspection and Commercial Properties Inspections, Home and Commercial Properties Inspections Vermont
(Baker Residential and Commercial Properties Inspections)
Springfield Vermont are You Thinking about Starting Your Own Business, on Friday the 10th of September 2010 there will be a three hour Start Your Own Business workshop held at the Springfield Rrgional Development Corporation, which is loacted at 14 Clinton Square in Springfield, Vermont. The workshop will be held in their conference room. This workshop is designed to help folks thinking about starting their owd business, and need assistance with the procedures involved. The workshop cost is $40.00 per individual, if their two of you working together on Starting Your Own Business, then the cost would be $45.00 for the both of you. Springfield Vermont are You Thinking about Starting Your Own Business, if you would like to register for this workshop, then click here to visit Vtsbde website...
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By Baker Home Inspection and Commercial Properties Inspections, Home and Commercial Properties Inspections Vermont
(Baker Residential and Commercial Properties Inspections)
Town Steped Forward in Vermont to go to the past, it was the year 1999 and the month of April. In time to enter in to the twenty-first century. This Town of Vermont returned back to the name it had abandoned at the begining of the nineteenth century. You never will be able to visit the Town of Sherburne, Vermont.     For the folks voted to return the name of the Town to Killington, in order to have it match the dominsting mountain of the area and ski resorts and slopes that has gave it its fame to folks all over the Country. The name change sure did not at all confuse folks, seeing that nearly all the folks had been calling the Town, Killington all along. Now you know how the Town Steped Forward in Vermont to go to the past.     Have a good one Dale in Vermont   Baker Home and Commercia...
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By Baker Home Inspection and Commercial Properties Inspections, Home and Commercial Properties Inspections Vermont
(Baker Residential and Commercial Properties Inspections)
Ludlow Vermont Black River Academy Historical Museum, the Black River Academy Historical Museum in located in an old brick building siting above the main road on High Street in the Town of Ludlow, Vermont. Each of the rooms in the Museum has a different theme. Theres the President's Room, the Rotary Room, the Grange Room, and theres the Coolidge Room. This room is named for Calvin Coolidge, which whom actualy graduated from the Academy back when it was a renowned private School in 1890. The building itself was constructed in 1889 and today it sits next to one of the former Schoolhouses, which this one is the old District School No.1, which today it serves as the Town of Ludlow's Senior Center and the Town's Community Center. The Black River Academy Historical Museum is a mighty fascinat...
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By Baker Home Inspection and Commercial Properties Inspections, Home and Commercial Properties Inspections Vermont
(Baker Residential and Commercial Properties Inspections)
Springfield Vermont Home Workshop Planer Shavings-Oh what to do with them, have you ever wondered after planing peaces of wood for a project, and sweeping them up from the floor. There must be some way to use them. Will heres an ideas for you.One of the messiest part of usen chemical strippers, sure is scraping it off and disposing of the residue and goo that is caused from the stripping process of a peace of wood furniture. To help make that step a bit neater for you, take a few hands full of shavings and scatter them on the surface of your finishing project, on to the stripper after its done its job. Let the chemicals soak into the shavings. (sawdust does not work for this) All you'll need to do, is simply wipe up the shavings and dispose of them properly. Springfield Vermont Home Wor...
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By Baker Home Inspection and Commercial Properties Inspections, Home and Commercial Properties Inspections Vermont
(Baker Residential and Commercial Properties Inspections)
Vermont Home Owners, First Time Home Buyer and Investors of Pre-1978 Homes, if you are a First Time Home Buyer, an Investor looking to buy, or you're a Home Owner of a Pre-1978 home. If you are thinking of or have plans on hiring any kind of Contractor to do any Renovation, Repairs and Painting to the home. You'll want to make sure the Contractor and Firm comply with the new Federal law that took effect last 22 April 2010. The EPA will be the enforcing Federal agency of the new law. As of last 22 April 2010 Contractors, Painters, Landlords, and Property Managers. Need to know follow the RRP (Renovation, Repair and Painting) rule. Vermont Home Owners, First Time Home Buyer and Investors of Pre-1978 Homes, when working in pre-1978 homes and child-occupied facilities, Federal law requires ...
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By Baker Home Inspection and Commercial Properties Inspections, Home and Commercial Properties Inspections Vermont
(Baker Residential and Commercial Properties Inspections)
West Nile Virus and Eastern Equine Encephalitis Vermont, mosqulto season is approaching us, you need to start thinking about protecting yourself and your family.  What is West Nile Virus ? Will West Nile Virus is a potentially serious illness. Experts believe West Nile Virus is established as a seasonal epidemic in North America that flares up in the summer and continues on onto the fall. What is Eastern Equine Encephalitis ? its a rare disease that is caused by a virus that is spread by infected mosquitoes. Eastern Equine Encephalitis virus is just one of a group of mosquito-transmitted viruses that can very will cause inflammation of the brain. In the United States, there are approximately five to ten Eastern Equine Encephalitis cases reported annually. West Nile Virus and Eastern Equ...
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By Baker Home Inspection and Commercial Properties Inspections, Home and Commercial Properties Inspections Vermont
(Baker Residential and Commercial Properties Inspections)
Baker Home and Commercial Properties Inspections Vermont Home Inspections, By the time we complete your Home or Commercial Property Inspection, you will know the Home or Commercial Property better than the owner does!Howdy, and welcome to my Vermont Home Inspection blog. Thank you kindly for taking time from your busy schedule to visit today. I know that you will enjoy checking out my many blog posts, here at my Vermont Blog in the ActiveRain Real Estate Networking community. You're going to have the time of your life, learning about the Home Inspection and Home Components, about the areas of Vermont. I look forward to meeting you and providing you with a superior service.Baker Home and Commercial Properties Inspections Vermont Home Inspections, Have your Home Inspected before buying. I...
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By Baker Home Inspection and Commercial Properties Inspections, Home and Commercial Properties Inspections Vermont
(Baker Residential and Commercial Properties Inspections)
Energy Efficient Homes Vermont, Home Owners and Home Buyers in these tough economic times. Its important to all familys to be able to cut their living costs in order to save money. By choosing to live more Green and having your home run more energy efficient, will save you and your family save some of those hard earn dollars.The ongoing environmental impact of our beloved Mother Earth that results from a family's energy and water used in operating their household needs, often far more outweighs the actual impact that was associated with the home being built. Energy Efficient Homes Vermont, Energy consuming equipment, such as your Hot Water Heater, Clothes Washer, the Dryer, and the family Refrigerator.  There are many new and improved energy efficient products on the market now a days. ...
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By Baker Home Inspection and Commercial Properties Inspections, Home and Commercial Properties Inspections Vermont
(Baker Residential and Commercial Properties Inspections)
Springfield Vermont Have your Car Seat Checked, having your car seats checked out for free, by appointment or at the inspections that are held on the fourth Friday of the month. The inspections take place between the hours of 2:00 P.M. and 6:00 P.M. The date for August is today the 27th of August 2010.     The inspection of car seats will be taking place at the Springfield Shopping Plaza. You can also make an appointment to have your car seats inspected April through October, by calling Sandy at 802-885-7686 , Holly Trail or Sierra Kent at 802-885-7511         Have a good one Dale in Vermont   Baker Home and Commercial Properties InspectionsPO Box 570Charlestown, New Hampshire 03603Office: 603-826-4207Cell: 603-477-8072   Disclaimer: Any of the information herein may come from various s...
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By Baker Home Inspection and Commercial Properties Inspections, Home and Commercial Properties Inspections Vermont
(Baker Residential and Commercial Properties Inspections)
Springfield Vermont Windsor County Vermont Apple Festival and Craft Show, the 28th Annual Vermont Apple Festival and Craft Show is on its way to take place on the 9th of October 2010. The festival will take place at Riverside Middle School in Springfield, Vermont.   This year's Vermont Apple Festival and Craft Show is really shaping up, and sure is going to be one of the biggest in recent years, as more an more exhibits and activities are planned for this ever so fun family event. There are still opening for interested crafters. There are still exhibitors space in the gymnasium and cafeteria, and outdoors for potential crafts exhibitors. For more information and for a registration packet, contact the Springfield Regional Chamber of Commerce at 802-885-2779 or e-mail them at chamber@spri...
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By Baker Home Inspection and Commercial Properties Inspections, Home and Commercial Properties Inspections Vermont
(Baker Residential and Commercial Properties Inspections)
Are you a Grandfathered RainMaker in the ActiveRain Real Estate Network Community, will if you are did you see and read the blog post on the 25th of May of this year of 2010. That was posted by ActiveRain's very own Bob Stewart, and titled Grandfathered RainMaker Accounts: Rewarding Members Who Continue to Participate if you have not. You can click right on the title of Bob's blog post, in order to actually to go and read it.                     Will what it comes down to is, as of last June 24th of this year of 2010, a Grandfathered RainMaker that has not posted at lest one blog post in the last ninety days in the ActiveRain Real Estate Network Community, you will lose your Grandfathered RainMaker status in the community. Are you a Grandfathered RainMaker in the ActiveRain Real Estate ...
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By Baker Home Inspection and Commercial Properties Inspections, Home and Commercial Properties Inspections Vermont
(Baker Residential and Commercial Properties Inspections)
Will the ActiveRain Community for professionals really? have there brand new servers installed and up and running tonight. I have totally lost count now, as to how many times that I have heard the new servers will up and running by______. For one reason or another ActiveRain keeps missen their time line for haven them up and running.   Just how long would a business of any kind stay in business if it keeped missen time lines for folks that used them?  The other thing to stop and think about is that companys and organizations are only as their word is.   Will the ActiveRain Community for professionals really? I do like the ActiveRain blogging community, but I do have a problem with the fact many of my clients that read both of my ActiveRain blogs, on a regular bases keep calling and e-ma...
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By Baker Home Inspection and Commercial Properties Inspections, Home and Commercial Properties Inspections Vermont
(Baker Residential and Commercial Properties Inspections)
Vermont Home Buyer Tax Credits there are only 6 days left, time is really running out for geting a home under contract so you don't miss out on the Home Buyer Tax Credits, don't be one of the home buyers that lets this opportunity of a lifetime get away from you and your family!!! Geting up to $6,500.00 for Repeat Home Buyers or up to $8,000.00 for First Time Home Buyers.   First Time Home Buyer and Repeat Home Buyer, you need to have a contract signed on your dream home by the 30th of April 2010. In order for you and your family to receive up to $6,500.00 as a Repeat Home Buyer , and if you are a First Time Home Buyer you can receive up to a $8,000.00 tax credit from Uncle Sam!!!Homes that are priced above $800,000.00 are not eligible for either the First Time Home Buyer Tax Credit or ...
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By Baker Home Inspection and Commercial Properties Inspections, Home and Commercial Properties Inspections Vermont
(Baker Residential and Commercial Properties Inspections)
Springfield Vermont Home Buyer Tax Credit only 14 days left, don't be one of the home buyers that lets the opportunity of a lifetime get away from you and your family!!!First Time Home Buyer and Move up Home Buyer, you need to have a contract on your dream home by the 30th of April 2010. In order for you and your family to receive up to $6,500.00, and if you are a First Time Home Buyer you can receive up to a $8,000.00 tax credit from Uncle Sam!!!Springfield Vermont Home Buyer Tax Credit only 14 days left, that is for sure some real money for you to keep in yours and your family's pocket!!!There are a lot of homes out there to pick from on the market right now, the interest rates are still low on home mortgages. First Time Buyer and Move up Home Buyer, don't let this money opportunity s...
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