Vermont First Time Home Buyers Checklist for Corner Board
By Baker Home Inspection and Commercial Properties Inspections, Home and Commercial Properties Inspections Vermont
(Baker Residential and Commercial Properties Inspections)
Vermont First Time Home Buyers Checklist for Corner Board, if you are having a home build or will be doing sure remodeling of a fixer up you might be looking at to buy, then you'll want to know these tips. 1. Install felt paper or house wrap at all corners. 2. Double-wrap corners by applying vertical felt or house wrap splines under the corner boards. 3. Don't caulk the joint between the siding and corner board; caulk deteriorates over time, providing a pathway for water to get into the frame and preventing trapped water from escaping. Have a good one Dale helping Vermont Home Buyers Baker Home and Commercial Properties InspectionsPO Box 570Charlestown, New Hampshire 03603Office: 603-826-4207Cell: 603-477-8072 Disclaimer: Any of the information herein may come from various sou...