
Hartland, VT Real Estate News

By Baker Home Inspection and Commercial Properties Inspections, Home and Commercial Properties Inspections Vermont
(Baker Residential and Commercial Properties Inspections)
Garden Creating Program in Hartland in Windsor County Vermont,folks on Wednesday the Ninth day of April 2014 you can attend what sure should be a mighty fine learning program for folks. The title of this program is Creating Natural Balance in Our Neighborhood. This will be a presentation and discussion of Invasive Plants and Insects. The program will be taking place at the Hartland Public Library which is located on Route 153 in the Town of Hartland, Vermont. Folks the program has been scheduled to be held between the hours of 6:00 P.M. and 8:00 P.M. to be attended. The scheduled program speaker is UVM Extension Master Gardener Xaxakwetet Little Tree. Folks from all around the area sure are mighty welcome to come attend this Free program.   Baker Residential and Commercial Properties In...
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By Baker Home Inspection and Commercial Properties Inspections, Home and Commercial Properties Inspections Vermont
(Baker Residential and Commercial Properties Inspections)
Big Political Meeting to be held in Hartland in Windsor County VermontThis evening of Monday the Tenth day of March 2014 the monthly meeting of the Windsor County Democratic Committee has been scheduled to be held.Folks the meeting is going to be held at the Damon Hall, which is located at Routes 5 and 12 in the Town of Hartland, Vermont. The meeting itself has been scheduled to begin at 7:00 P.M.They say the agenda will include plans for the upcoming elections. Folks which would like more information are ask to call Bill at the following phone number 802-885-6388Folks this blog post has been wrote and posted by Baker Home and Commercial Properties Inspections as a public service in-order to help folks which live in the many communities which make up the mighty fine State of Vermont, pl...
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By Baker Home Inspection and Commercial Properties Inspections, Home and Commercial Properties Inspections Vermont
(Baker Residential and Commercial Properties Inspections)
Political Meeting in Hartland of Windsor County VermontFolks the Windsor County Democratic Committee will be holding its scheduled Monthly meeting.On this day of Monday the 13th day of January 2014 the Windsor County Democratic Committee will be meeting at the Damon Hall which is located at Routes 5 and 12 in Hartland, Vermont.The following is on the meeting agenda:Planning for the upcoming ElectionsDiscussion of the New Session of the LegislaturePlus other items.The meeting has been scheduled to start at 7:00 P.M. this evening of Monday the 13th day of January 2014Folks which would like more information are ask to please call Bill at 802-885-6388This blog post has been wrote and posted by Baker Home and Commercial Properties Inspections as a public service in-order to help folks which ...
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By Dale Baker, New Hampshire Relocation Real Estate Information
(Baker Energy Audits and Commercial Properties Inspections)
Windsor County Democratic Meeting in Hartland Vermont, folks that are members of the Democratic Party do you know about this here meeting taking place? This evening of Monday the 11th of March 2013 the Windsor County Democratic Committee is holding its Monthly meeting at the Damon Hall in Hartland, Vermont. The meeting has been scheduled to begin at 7:00 P.M. The agenda of the meeting will be reports from State Representatives and State Senators. Folks which would like more information are ask to please give Bill a call at 802-885-6388 Windsor County Democratic Meeting in Hartland Vermont Have a good one Dale in New Hampshire Thank you mighty kindly for stopping by to visit, read and leaving a comment on this here little ole blog post here at my Blogging Homestead! New Hampshire and Ver...
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By Dale Baker, New Hampshire Relocation Real Estate Information
(Baker Energy Audits and Commercial Properties Inspections)
Democratic Committee Meeting to be held in Hartland Vermont, filks this evening of Monday the 12th of November. The Windsor County Democratic Committee is holding its Monthly meeting, the meeting is scheduled to begin at 7:00 P.M. and is being held at the Damon Hall in Hartland, Vermont. On the meeting agenda is going to be a discussion of the Election and other matters. Folks which would like more information are ask to please call 802-885-6388 Democratic Committee Meeting to be Held in Hartland Vermont   Have a good one Dale in New Hampshire Thank you mighty kindly for stopping by to visit, read and leaving a comment on this here blog post! Localism information by Baker Energy Audits and Commercial Properties Inspections blog post 1,876- Posted on the 12th of November 2012 at 4:31 P.M...
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By Dale Baker, New Hampshire Relocation Real Estate Information
(Baker Energy Audits and Commercial Properties Inspections)
Democratic Meeting being held in Hartland Vermont, folks this here is the Monthly meeting being held. This day of Monday the 8th of October 2012 the Windsor County Democratic Committee has its Monthly meeting scheduled to be held this evening. The meeting will be held at the Damon Hall which is located at Routes 5 and 12 in Hartland, Vermont. Democratic Meeting being held in Hartland Vermont, the meeting is scheduled to begin at 7:00 P.M. this evening. The agenda which is scheduled for this Month's will include planning campaign events and activities. Folks which would like more information are ask to call Bill at 802-885-6388 Have a good one Dale in New Hampshire Thank you mighty kindly for stopping by to visit, read and leaving a comment on this here blog post! Localism information by...
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By Dale Baker, New Hampshire Relocation Real Estate Information
(Baker Energy Audits and Commercial Properties Inspections)
Fourth of July and 250th Anniversary Events in Hartland Vermont, folks come on out to have a mighty enjoyable day in Hartland, Vermont. On Wednesday the 4th of July 2012 besides being Independence Day, this year also Marks the 250th Anniversary of the Town of Hartland's Charter. The Hartland Historical Society and the Town of Hartland have planned a Celebration with a series of events to observe Old Home Day. Events will take place between the hours of 11:00 A.M. and 3:00 P.M., there will be a Parade, Food, Games and Music. Fourth of July and 250th Anniversary Events in Hartland Vermont, folks will be able to enjoy the following Performers, the Hartland Drummers, the Moonlighters and the Blue Band. Then at dusk, folks will be able to enjoy a Fireworks Display. The Town of Hartland Vermo...
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By Dale Baker, New Hampshire Relocation Real Estate Information
(Baker Energy Audits and Commercial Properties Inspections)
Social Networking Program at the Hartland Library in Hartland Vermont, folks are you wanting learn more about how to use some of the online Social Networking sites? Did I hear someone sat yes! Then you'll sure want to attend this here program. On Tuesday the 5th of June 2012 Vtel and the Hartland Public Library will be presenting this program on Social Networking. The program will be held at the Hartland Public Library which is located at 153 Route 5 Vermont, New Hampshire. Folks which attend the program will be able to learn how Social Networking sites, like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn are able to be used to connect with your loved ones, share photos, follow your favorite Celebrities and to connect with other folks in your field of work. Social Networking Program at the Hartland Lib...
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By Dale Baker, New Hampshire Relocation Real Estate Information
(Baker Energy Audits and Commercial Properties Inspections)
Art Exhibit Reception to be held in Hartland Vermont, load up your vehicle and come enjoy attending this Art Exhibit. The Art Exhibit and Reception is taking place today the 4th of March 2012, the title of the Exhibit is Songs of the Desert is being hosted by the Hartland Public Library, which is located at 153 US 5 in Hartland, Vermont. This show will be held between 6:00 P.M. and 7:00 P.M. The show will be featuring the works of Artist Toni Streeter, the works which will be on display will consist of Abstract Oil Pastel impressions of her last visit to New Mexico. Art Exhibit Reception to be held in Hartland Vermont, there will be a informal discussion held of Toni Streeter's painting technique and subject matter. This show will run till Saturday the 31st of March 2012. Have a good on...
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By Dale Baker, New Hampshire Relocation Real Estate Information
(Baker Energy Audits and Commercial Properties Inspections)
Financial Planning Free Program will be held in Hartland Vermont which is part of Windsor County Vermont, everyone can use held with their Financial Planning, and its sure mighty nice to be able to attend a Free class to get some mighty helpful tips. This here Free program is being held this day of Tuesday the 31st of January 2012, its being held at the Hartland Public Library which located at 153 Route 5 in Hartland, Vermont. The Hartland Public Library is a focal point of the community, which is dedicated to bringing folks of the community continuing education and the right to free access of information. The program will cover Planning for Aging, Long Term Care, Estate Planning and more. The program is scheduled to begin at 3:00 P.M. Financial Planning Program will be held in Hartland...
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By Dale Baker, New Hampshire Relocation Real Estate Information
(Baker Energy Audits and Commercial Properties Inspections)
Advance Directive Workshop in Hartland Vermont-Windsor County Vermont, this here sure is a mighty helpful event program which is being held this day of Tuesday the 15th of November 2011. The Advance Directive Workshop is being held at the Hartland Public Library, which is located at 153 Route 5 in Hartland, Vermont, if using I 91 take Exit 9, then travel North on Route 5 for about one mile. The Library in located on the left side of Route 5, across the road from the Mobil Station. This here workshop will be held between the hours of 4:30 P.M. and 6:00 P.M. today. Advance Directive Workshop in Hartland Vermont-Windsor County Vermont, take the time to stop by the Hartland Public Library to fill out the Advance Directive Forms, it never to early to be ready for anything that could happen. ...
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By Dale Baker, New Hampshire Relocation Real Estate Information
(Baker Energy Audits and Commercial Properties Inspections)
Caregiver Program taking place in Hartland Vermont, do you or know of Someone which is a caregiver for Someone? did I hear you say yes, then you or they sure don't want to miss out on attending this here mighty fine program. This here is a Free program for folks which are caring for Someone at Home, the program is being held this afternoon of Monday the 17th of October 2011. Folks attending will be able to learn Information, Resources and Support which is available for and to help Caregivers of Elder folks whether they are a member of your Family or Someone you know and care about. Caregiver Program taking place in Hartland Vermont, this here mighty fine program will be held at the Hartland Public Library, which is located at 153 Route 5 in Hartland, Vermont. The program will begin at 4...
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By Dale Baker, New Hampshire Relocation Real Estate Information
(Baker Energy Audits and Commercial Properties Inspections)
Bite Me in Hartland Vermont-Windsor County Vermont, yes I sure did say that aloud and wrote where folks could read it. I know I sure don't usually say things along those lines in public, or for folks to read. In this here case I sure had to do it. But in this here case it has to do totally with the fact that the Hartland Community Arts is presenting Bite Me!, which has to do with the Evolution of the Vampire. Which is being held this evening of Friday the 14th of October 2011. This here program is being held at the Damon Hall, which is located at Routes 5 and 12 Hartland Three Corners in Hartland, Vermont. Folks are able to make donations, which will be use to help support the Hartland Community Arts Programming. Bite Me in Hartland Vermont-Windsor County Vermont, the program will be us...
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By Baker Home Inspection and Commercial Properties Inspections, Home and Commercial Properties Inspections Vermont
(Baker Residential and Commercial Properties Inspections)
Hartland Garden Club Meeting in Hartland Vermont, the Hartland Garden Club will be presenting David Dibenedetto, Dartmouth College arborist today. The Hartland Garden Club Meeting will be held at the Hartland Public Library, the meeting will begin at 3:00 P.M. They suggest that folks attending make a donation of $5.00. Mr. Dibenedetto will be discussing Arbor Culture, the rights and wrongs of planting trees. Hartland Garden Club Meeting in Hartland Vermont, where to plant and the benefits of landscaping using trees. The folks attending will be able to view a photographic history of Dartmouth College and the Town of Hanover, New Hampshire with trees plantings. Mr. Dibenedetto will explain the use of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) vs. spraying chemicals on a schedule. Have a good one Da...
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By Baker Home Inspection and Commercial Properties Inspections, Home and Commercial Properties Inspections Vermont
(Baker Residential and Commercial Properties Inspections)
Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate and more Chocolate Auction Hartland Vermont, you sure are not going to want to miss attending the chocolate auction that's going to be held in Hartland, Vermont. On Sunday the 13th of February 2011 the First Universalist Church will be holding their Annual Chocolate Auction. This here chocolate auction will take place at the Church, which is located at Route 12 and Brownsville Road in Hartland, Vermont. The admission to the auction is Free.   Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate and more Chocolate Auction Hartland Vermont, the First Universalist Church Annual Chocolate Auction will feature some mighty fine chocolate cakes, cheesecakes, truffles, cookies, brownies and a lot more to sit your eyes upon. For more information about the auction call ...
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By Baker Home Inspection and Commercial Properties Inspections, Home and Commercial Properties Inspections Vermont
(Baker Residential and Commercial Properties Inspections)
Shipwrecks of Lake Champlain lecture in Hartland Vermont, this is a interactive lecture headed by Adam Kane of the Lake Champlain Maritime Museum. The lecture will be taking place on Thursday 11 March 2010, will start at 7:00 P.M. the Hartland Public Library, located at 153 Highway 5. The lecture is free. This is a Vermont Humanities Council event. For more information be sure to call 802-436-2473                   Baker Home and Commercial Properties InspectionsPO Box 570Charlestown, New Hampshire 03603Office: 603-826-4207Cell: 603-477-8072       Link to Baker Home and Commercial Properties Inspections Website       Disclaimer: Any of the information herein may come from various sources, some of whichmay not be reliable and may change without any kind of notice. Dale Baker does not gua...
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