Lake Anna is at It's Best...Every Season
By Kate Elim, Realtor 540-226-1964, Selling Homes & Land a
(Dockside Realty)
Lake Anna is at it's best...every season. That would be any time of the year as far as I'm concerned. I love it here even in the winter.If you have had an opportunity to spend time here you may have had the opportunity to see the lake when it has snowed. Although we have not had any to speak of so far this year we do some winters and here is one of the photos that I took to show how peaceful and pretty it looks.WINTER AT LAKE ANNAWe are very fortunate in that we seldom have any appreciable snow but when we do I love to see the contrast along the shoreline between the blue of the water and the white of the snow.Can you tell I'm fond of this place? You might find that it is every bit as wonderful as I think it is. If you have never visited us here at Lake Anna perhaps this is the time for...