If it Hasn't Happened to You Yet, it Will!
By Kate Elim, Realtor 540-226-1964, Selling Homes & Land a
(Dockside Realty)
That's exactly right, if it hasn't happened to you yet just wait...it will. I'm thrilled to tell you I have just received my first direct contact from a consumer through Active Rain.I received an e-mail today from someone that has a vacation/second home here at Lake Anna. She and her husband would like to meet with me next Monday evening to discuss listing their home.Previously, I had another agent on the Rain contact me regarding a referral (which didn't pan out as my suggested list price was too low) have any of you had that reaction from a homeowner???Believe me, I would continue to spend time in the Rain even if I never received one single contact through it. I have received so much already, but it is nice to see that this is an added benefit.Thank you Active Rain and all my fell...