
Spotsylvania, VA Real Estate News

By Kate Elim, Realtor 540-226-1964, Selling Homes & Land a
(Dockside Realty)
That's exactly right, if it hasn't happened to you yet just will.  I'm thrilled to tell you I have just received my first direct contact from a consumer through Active Rain.I received an e-mail today from someone that has a vacation/second home here at Lake Anna.  She and her husband would like to meet with me next Monday evening to discuss listing their home.Previously, I had another agent on the Rain contact me regarding a referral (which didn't pan out as my suggested list price was too low) have any of you had that reaction from a homeowner???Believe me, I would continue to spend time in the Rain even if I never received one single contact through it.  I have received so much already, but it is nice to see that this is an added benefit.Thank you Active Rain and all my fell...
Comments 111
By Kate Elim, Realtor 540-226-1964, Selling Homes & Land a
(Dockside Realty)
Spring is a time of new beginnings, a time of hope and expectation.  What a great time of year to consider a move to Lake Anna.   I cannot think of another time that gets the heart racing just a bit more with anticipation of fun times ahead, time to be with family and friends, time to get the boat ready to launch for a new season of boating, water skiing, fishing, and swimming. Thoughts also turn to lounging in the hammock or sitting down by the dock. It can be a time to rest and reflect. Just the thought of drifting along on the water at a leisurely pace soaking in the sights is enough to inspire many to begin the search for a place to call their own here at the lake.  For some it will mean a change to full-time lake living and for others it will be the purchase of a part-time home or ...
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By Kate Elim, Realtor 540-226-1964, Selling Homes & Land a
(Dockside Realty)
Spring is certainly making itself felt here at Lake Anna.  Of course that means taking some photos and here are a couple.  There is such a wonderful feeling of newness and a time of hope.The trees are definitely beginning to bud as are many of the shrubs and the daffodils are telling us spring is here.  The garden centers are beginning to experience large crowds especially on the weekends.  Of course, now is also the time when we wish we had put more bulbs in last fall.  We can make up for it now!Before you know it the Bradford pear trees will be in full bloom along with the cherry trees, redbuds, and azaleas.  Virginia is an absolutely beautiful place in the spring.Now is the time to decide what big plans you have for your garden.  How can anyone not begin to think of big plans when th...
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By Kate Elim, Realtor 540-226-1964, Selling Homes & Land a
(Dockside Realty)
Have we seen a shift in the real estate market? Yes, the real estate market has changed.  Yes, REALTORS are working harder and earning less. Yes, properties are sitting on the market longer.  Yes, many sellers are becoming frustrated.  Yes, some buyers think the market is even worse than it is and that all sellers are getting ready to give their homes away.   And yes, some sellers think their property is still appreciating.   All these things are true.  Another thing that is true is that this has happened before and will happen again.  Yes, real estate is cyclical.  It's a seller's market and then it's a buyer's market.   The shift can be swift from one to the other.  As a REALTOR® you sometimes wonder which is the hardest market.  The one where there are several buyers for the same pro...
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By Kate Elim, Realtor 540-226-1964, Selling Homes & Land a
(Dockside Realty)
If you ever consider selling your home think back to when you bought it.  What was the first thing that sold you on it?  Was it the location, the unusual color of the front door, the huge oaks surrounding it, the front porch with the swing, or was it the dormer windows that brought back memories of a childhood home?   Whatever the reason, that might be just the thing that appeals to the next buyer.   Recently when listing homes I have begun asking owners to write what they love about their home.  This certainly covers more than just what appealed to them initially, it also gives them an opportunity to share with potential buyers what they feel is special about their home.  Personally, I love to read these comments.  It helps me to better understand how the owners feel about their home a...
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By Kate Elim, Realtor 540-226-1964, Selling Homes & Land a
(Dockside Realty)
This evening I was watching the Larry King show on CNN while also posting and commenting on the Rain.  Towards the end of the broadcast he interviewed Gerri Willis.  She is CNN's Personal Finance Editor, host of Open House a 1/2 hour real estate show on CNN, and also the author of Home Rich, Increasing the Value of the Biggest Investment of Your Life. Ms. Willis' take on the current home market is that it is a very good time for some people to buy depending on the area.  With interest rates where they are and the large inventory, it is a very good time for those that have funds for a down payment and very good credit scores.  (I imagine realistic expectations would be good to have also.)  She did add that it is still not feasible for many of our policemen, firemen, and teachers and othe...
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By Kate Elim, Realtor 540-226-1964, Selling Homes & Land a
(Dockside Realty)
Sometimes you just need something to take your mind off of the current real estate market, blogging, sub-prime loans, foreclosures, and short sales. If so, here's a little something for you.  Those of you that have more than two minutes to think about it may be able to figure it out.  I'm sure there is a very reasonable explanation for how this works but I am much too tired to try.  Maybe I will let one of my brainy kids do that for me.  Here you go  Now that you have had some fun (hopefully) you may go back to thinking of how to do more business.  It is a well worth thinking about as most of us would like to have more transactions right now and throughout the year.That's not to say there isn't some good news.  Many people are seeing a...
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By Kate Elim, Realtor 540-226-1964, Selling Homes & Land a
(Dockside Realty)
Some states do not allow dual agency.  Others do.  Is the trend towards doing away with this type of representation?  In fact is dual agency a form of representation or does it really mean that neither the seller nor the buyer are being represented?When practicing dual agency how does a REALTOR® deal with offers and counter offers.  Do they offer advice to both parties, to one, or to neither?  What about conditions, other than price, that may require negotiation such as the settlement date, home inspection repairs, pre or post occupancy, and any number of other things that can be a bone of contention between parties.What happens when a buyer offers a very low price and the seller suggests a very low counter and you believe the counter should be higher.  Do you consel them to rethink tha...
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By Kate Elim, Realtor 540-226-1964, Selling Homes & Land a
(Dockside Realty)
. . . . . . .If you or someone you know is thinking of buying or selling property at or near Lake Anna, please contact Kathleen "Kate " Elim.  She lives at Lake Anna, knows Lake Anna, loves Lake Anna, and specializes in Lake Anna area real estate.  Reach Kate at 540-226-1964 or by e-mail at  Be sure to check Kate's blog at or
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BEAUTIFUL HOMES THAT ARE GOING TO BANK AUCTION SALE THIS WEEK!DO NOT MISS THESE AMAZING INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITIES!!  JANUARY 25VirginiaSPOTSYLVANIA - 6200 TAVARNEER LANEARLINGTON- 3600S. GLEBE RD., UNIT 607  JANUARY 28MarylandBOWIE - 3100 ENTERPRISE RDBOYDS - 12513 PINE NEEDLE DRIVEGLENN DALE - 1007 MARGUERITA AVE  Bank will be bidding below the amount of debt owed and property values!Please call 888-692-4586 for more information today
Comments 3
By Lenn Harley, Real Estate Broker - Virginia & Maryland
(Lenn Harley,, MD & VA Homes and Real Estate)
WHAT ARE CLOSING COSTS WHEN YOU BUY A HOME IN VIRGINIA AND WHO PAYS WHAT??EXAMPLE:  SPOTSYLVANIA COUNTY, VIRGINIA - Price - $479,900.                                     Closing costs in Virginia are those fees charged to the home buyer at settlement.  Your Buyers Agent may negotiate a credit from the home seller to offset some of the costs below.  Seller contributions are often limited to 3% of the purchase price for Conventional financing.  FHA financing usually permits a seller contribution of up to 6%.  Veterans Administration financing permits the seller to pay ALL of the purchaser's closing costs.  Conventional financing is becomming more and more restrictive.  One of the lenders I work with advises today:        Lenn        Yesterday Countrywide pulled out of the 100% second mort...
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By Konnie Mac McCarthy, Broker/Owner - VA & MD "Time To Get A Move On!"
(MacNificent Properties, LLC)
Bumpass, Virginia is in Lousia and Spotsylvania County. Close to lake anna, Bumpass is a rural area, with rolling terrain.  There are currently 86 Single Family Homes on the market in Bumpass (In Louisa & Spotsylvania) in a broad range from $37K to $1.9 million. There are currently 7 single family  homes under contract from $215K to $999KIn The last 60 days there have been 5 homes that have sold from $190K to $1,499,000If you are looking to purchase a home in the Bumpass, Lake Anna area, give Konnie Mckee a call 703 407 7088 or visit my website at      
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