
Spotsylvania, VA Real Estate News

By Kevin McGrath, Long & Foster Real Estate Companies
(Long & Foster Real Estate Companies- Fredericksburg/Spotsylvania)
RE/MAX BRAVO | REMAX BRAVO | 540-891-8888 12200 Plantation Dr, Spotsylvania, VA 4BR/2BA Single Family House offered at $127,900 Year Built 1989 Sq Footage 2,275 Bedrooms 4 Bathrooms 2 full, 0 partial Floors 2 Parking Unspecified Lot Size 0.52 acres HOA/Maint $40 per month see additional photos below PROPERTY FEATURES - Central A/C - Hardwood floor - Family room - Dining room - Basement - Balcony, Deck, or Patio - Yard ADDITIONAL PHOTOS Photo 1Photo 2Photo 3Photo 4Photo 5Photo 6 Contact info: RE/MAX BRAVO REMAX BRAVO 540-891-8888 For sale by agent/broker Equal Opportunity Housing Posted: Sep 17, 2009, 4:59am PDT RE/MAX BRAVO 10401 Courthouse Rd Spotsylvania, VA 22553 540-891-8884 (Phone) 540-891-8884 (Fax) Licensed In The State Of VA
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By Kevin McGrath, Long & Foster Real Estate Companies
(Long & Foster Real Estate Companies- Fredericksburg/Spotsylvania)
RE/MAX BRAVO | REMAX BRAVO | 540-891-8888 7801 Locklear Landing Dr, Spotsylvania, VA 3BR/2BA Single Family House offered at $94,900 Year Built 1994 Sq Footage 1,539 Bedrooms 3 Bathrooms 2 full, 0 partial Floors 1 Parking None Lot Size 3 acres HOA/Maint $0 per month see additional photos below PROPERTY FEATURES - Central A/C - Family room - Balcony, Deck, or Patio - Yard ADDITIONAL PHOTOS Photo 1Photo 2Photo 3Photo 4Photo 5 Contact info: RE/MAX BRAVO REMAX BRAVO 540-891-8888 For sale by agent/broker Equal Opportunity Housing Posted: Sep 3, 2009, 5:03am PDT RE/MAX BRAVO 10401 Courthouse Rd Spotsylvania, VA 22553 540-891-8884 (Phone) 540-891-8884 (Fax) Licensed In The State Of VA
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By Kevin McGrath, Long & Foster Real Estate Companies
(Long & Foster Real Estate Companies- Fredericksburg/Spotsylvania)
RE/MAX BRAVO | REMAX BRAVO | 540-891-8888 8022 Camp Town Rd, Spotsylvania, VA 3BR/2BA Single Family House offered at $86,900 Year Built 2003 Sq Footage 560 Bedrooms 3 Bathrooms 2 full, 0 partial Floors 1 Parking Unspecified Lot Size 1.50 acres HOA/Maint $0 per month see additional photos below PROPERTY FEATURES • Central A/C • Fireplace • Family room • Dining room • Balcony, Deck, or Patio • Yard ADDITIONAL PHOTOS Photo 1Photo 2Photo 3Photo 4Photo 5 Contact info: RE/MAX BRAVO REMAX BRAVO 540-891-8888 For sale by agent/broker Equal Opportunity Housing Posted: Jul 10, 2009, 11:47am PDT RE/MAX BRAVO 10401 Courthouse Rd Spotsylvania, VA 22553 540-891-8884 (Phone) 540-891-8884 (Fax) Licensed In The State Of VA
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By Libby Sandridge
(Dockside Realty)
The time is now to purchase that lake home you have always wanted! Stop dreaming and take time to visit Lake Anna and check out all the homes and land that is currently available. No matter what you are looking for or what price range Lake Anna offers all type of properties from Lake front, Lake view or just a Lake access home or land. With low interest rates and real esate prices now is your opportunity to own your very own piece of paradise! With Lake Anna's centralized location you can stop spendng time & money traveling and more time relaxing. No more plane fares! I urge you to check out all the properties currently available and give me a call! I am here to help you find exactly what you are looking for.
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By Kate Elim, Realtor 540-226-1964, Selling Homes & Land a
(Dockside Realty)
For those of us within an easy commute of Lake Anna State Park it is wonderful to have the opportunity to visit and take part in a number of activities that are both fun and educational. (For those of you who live too far away for a day trip come back as I'll be writing a post soon about the great camping facilities at the park and the cabins you can rent.) If you have not done so as yet, take advantage of this great resource and plan to spend some time in this beautiful natural setting. Be sure to take a look to see which of these many offerings you would like to attend.  You may find it difficult to choose.  If that's the case, simply sign up for everything and have a great time. May 23, 2009    Storytime in the Woods   11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.   Reading is fun for all ages, especiall...
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By Kate Elim, Realtor 540-226-1964, Selling Homes & Land a
(Dockside Realty)
Do you find that you are sometimes resenting these rainy, cloudy days?  March and April, here in the Lake Anna area, have been somewhat rainy.  I'm loving it. We have had a number of rainy, cloudy days and I'm delighted.  Someone complained to me about it today and I replied that we need every drop of rain we can get.  We had almost no snow this winter with the one and only bonafide snowfall happening on March 1. Living at a lake, a drought creates not only the usual problems with water shortage, it drops the water level and we end up with docks/boats way too visible.  It doesn't excite potential buyers much when they see "beaches" where there weren't any before.  And, believe me, it created angst among waterfront sellers and their REALTORS®. This has only happened a couple of times sin...
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By Kate Elim, Realtor 540-226-1964, Selling Homes & Land a
(Dockside Realty)
The Commonwealth of Virginia has a top-rated state park system.  Without a doubt it is one of the best in the country.  In 2001 the National Sporting Good Association's Sports Foundation Inc.  it the ppresented it with their presigious gold medal and state park award as the #1 state park system. However, the budget to support Virginia's state parks ranks low among the 50 states.  It is amazing what can be done with the help of volunteers.  Lake Anna State Park has a very active group of volunteers that supplement the tremendous job the park staff is doing.  In another post I will provide additional information on this group of volunteers called, Friends of Lake Anna State Park. If you live within a comfortable driving distance from Lake Anna you may find this is the perfect opportunity ...
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By Kate Elim, Realtor 540-226-1964, Selling Homes & Land a
(Dockside Realty)
One of the tenets of being a professional REALTOR® is knowing your market. How can someone possibly help their client buy a property in an area that is unknown to them 75-100 miles away in a very different environment? I often ask myself this question when I receive calls from agents some distance away asking for information on property here at Lake Anna.  They have never been here and yet plan to work with clients interested in buying at the lake.  One day I received a request from an assistant to a "high producing" Northern Virginia agent.  I was asked to do a CMA for Lake Anna.  Lake Anna is 17 miles long with over 250 miles of shoreline and pproximately 120 subdivisions.  We sell waterfront homes, water view homes, access homes, waterfront lots, water view lots, and water access lot...
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By Kate Elim, Realtor 540-226-1964, Selling Homes & Land a
(Dockside Realty)
After reading the following post by Lizette Fitzpatrick,, I was almost hesitant to share my Fall Fotos of Lake Anna but here goes.     If (seriously, no pressure Best Friend) you would like to see more pictures of Lake Anna please check out one of my other posts,, and you will see why I had such a good time that afternoon.  __________________________________________________________________________________________________   If you or someone you know is thinking of buying or selling property at or near Lake Anna, Virginia please contact Kathleen "Kate" Elim, REALTOR®. Kate lives at Lake Anna, knows Lake Anna, loves Lake Anna, a...
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By Kate Elim, Realtor 540-226-1964, Selling Homes & Land a
(Dockside Realty)
Are many of us really looking forward to winter?  I do and I don't...mostly don't.  However, year after year it shows up anyway right after fall. Ah, fall.  Last Friday my husband,, Jim and I took our Tritoon out for a cruise.  We were headed to Sturgeon Creek Marina to have "The Unsinkable Molly Brown" detailed.* Having been on Active Rain long enough to know that one goes nowhere, absolutely nowhere, without a camera I of course had mine.  A total of 217 pictures where taken during out five mile cruise.  Wait a minute, how could that possibly happen.  Well, all you need are the following: Reflections in the Water Doubling the Spectacular Colors and Images Loads of Pretty Waterfront Homes    Absolutely Beautiful Blue Water   Boat Houses Galore Just Sitting Around Posing An Ocassional F...
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By Kate Elim, Realtor 540-226-1964, Selling Homes & Land a
(Dockside Realty)
It is exactly 50 years ago that I became old enough to vote for the President of the United States.  That was in 1958 when I turned 21.  I had to wait two years in order to exercise that right. This year, 2008, there are actually two days when I can express my preference.  On February 12th I voted in the primary here in Virginia.  It was the first time that I was ever voted for a woman for president.  I did not vote for just any woman.  My vote went to someone that I believed was more than capable of holding that high office.  I still do.  My candidate did not survive the primaries and the caucases.  My feeling of loss was deep and sincere. Much has happened since I cast my vote.  During that time I had an opportunity to learn more about my candidates opponent.  Through this process I b...
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By Kate Elim, Realtor 540-226-1964, Selling Homes & Land a
(Dockside Realty)
During the recent hurricane season I spent some time in Louisiana as a Red Cross volunteer.  While down there I was able to keep in touch by e-mail on my laptop which I had taken and on my Blackberry.  Although I was in constant touch it was not quite the same as when I had been away from the office on extended trips in the past.  Before I had two agents that helped me as backups.  Even if they did not have to do anything for me while I was gone, it was a great feeling just knowing they were there.  This last time they were not, both casualties of the slow down in real estate. Not having the support of that backup made my stay in Louisiana a little less comfortable.  I felt torn.  However, once I returned home I felt guilty that I was not still down there helping when help was definitel...
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By Kate Elim, Realtor 540-226-1964, Selling Homes & Land a
(Dockside Realty)
Thursday when I arrived home I walked into the house and told my husband not to let me out of the house with my camera, ever again. (I told Rich Jacobson this on the phone Friday evening and he mentioned in a post.  Thank you, Rich.) Since I joined Active Rain I have begun looking at the world around me with Active Rain Eyes.  I've loved where we live even before we moved here.  Now I found myself wanting to know more about it.  I was seeing things that at one time I may well have driven right by.  Now everything became a little more interesting.  There were so many things I wanted to share about Lake Anna with anyone who had the slightest interst.   Everything seemed to be a possible post.  I seem to be noticing so much more. This explains two posts I wrote,  I Finally Came Home...235 ...
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By Kate Elim, Realtor 540-226-1964, Selling Homes & Land a
(Dockside Realty)
Lake Anna is very much in the center of Virginia which makes it a great spot to live or to spend time.  From Lake Anna you have the opportunity to quickly get to so many other areas from Northern Virginia to the Tidewater area to the southwest section of Virginia.   A convenient drive from Lake Anna takes you up to the D.C. metropolitan area with all the ethnic restaurants, cultural activities, museums, national monuments, and other major attractions. Some consider Lake Anna to be in located in Central Virginia while others believe it is part of Northern Virginia.  Even the Commonwealth of Virginia has mixed feelings according to the two maps below.  As you will see, Louisa County is considered in Central Virginia while Spotsylvania is included in the Northern Virginia map on the office...
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By Kate Elim, Realtor 540-226-1964, Selling Homes & Land a
(Dockside Realty)
There is no problem going on and on telling you all the  wonderful things that are so special about Lake Anna.  Perhaps you would like to know some of the things we do not have here. They include: No Sharks...To the best of my knowledge, there has never been a reported shark sighting.  Isn't it pretty nice to know you can just jump in the lake, swim to your heart's content and never, ever have to worry about a shark becoming your swimming companion. No Jellyfish...As much as many of us love peanut butter and jelly, for some reason we are not that fond of jellyfish.  Well, it may be comforting to know that they are not inclined to live here.  They have left Lake Anna to us.  None have ever been found anywhere in the over 13,000 surface acres of water.  No Flood Insurance...What a wonderf...
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By Kate Elim, Realtor 540-226-1964, Selling Homes & Land a
(Dockside Realty)
Below are the waterfront homes that are currently under contract or settled between May 1, 2008 - June 30, 2008.  As you can see, a number of homes were reduced prior to receiving contracts.  There are some homes that were on the market, taken off, and subsequently relisted.  In these cases the original price may be lower than the price when they were listed for the first time. If you happen to see one of the houses that you had been considering, do not give up hope.  We have a large inventory of waterfront homes and you still have an opportunity to find one that meets your needs within your price range. Here is a beauty that is currently on the market.  Hurry before this one goes under contract.   This lovely home is located in a small community on the private side of Lake Anna.  With ...
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By Kate Elim, Realtor 540-226-1964, Selling Homes & Land a
(Dockside Realty)
What do you do when you receive a call from a potential client and they ask you how the real estate market is?  Recently I had such a call from a lot owner here at Lake Anna.  I told him the truth.*  I told him few lots are selling especially non-waterfront, what we call access lots.  (We are selling a good number of homes on access lots.)  We have a very large inventory of access lots and the prices have come down to the point that he would probably be lucky to sell for $xx,xxx even though his lot has an assigned boat slip.  He would have been able to get perhaps $20-30,000 more for it when the market was hot. This evening I received a call from a potential buyer looking for investment property at Lake Anna.  He only wanted to buy a waterfront home to rent out.  The requirement was tha...
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By Kate Elim, Realtor 540-226-1964, Selling Homes & Land a
(Dockside Realty)
  If you live at a lake doesn't it make sense to have some lures on your mail box?  Who knows what kind of mail you might catch. It's fun to drive around and see what folks have done to personalize their mailboxes.  Now believe me, we have some very "Plain Jane" boxes, like the one at the end of our driveway.  Perhaps that is why I notice the ones with personality. I also like the ones that may not be particularly different but the owners have taken the time to "dress" them up abit with flowers and other types of plants.  Thought I would like to share some of my favorites with you.             Everytime I pass these I think of the American, white and blue. The one to the right is a little bit country!  It makes me think of antlers.  Or is it saying to us, "so big" like we us...
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By Dana Forster, Realtor, A Home 4Sale Inc, Va
Friday,I was the guest of honor along with all the other mothers in my sons kindergarten class room here in Spotsylvania, Virginia.  We were greeted individually by our child with a great big hug and a paper corsage. We were then escorted to our seat were several homemade gifts were waiting for us. The children served us sweet tea and cookies. While we ate we were treated to a concert by our little stars. They sang about how much they loved us (so good for the soul!)The teacher held up a portrait of us done by our child.The teacher then read each child's description of what the liked most about their mother. It was amazing to hear what the children had to say. Some of us were only 6 years old were others were fifty. My son liked it when I let him go to Funland!(This was funny since I h...
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By Kate Elim, Realtor 540-226-1964, Selling Homes & Land a
(Dockside Realty)
We've heard this advice many times and it still holds true.  Whether you are leaving a real estate company or have not been selected to list a particular property do not even begin to think that this is history.  You just never know when you might want to go back to that firm.  Or, you never know if some time in the future you may have the opportunity to work with that seller listing the same house or perhaps in an entirely different transaction.Treat all parties in a transaction with professionalism, courtesy, and respect.  Perhaps that other agent will be across from you on another deal and you will be needing an extra dose of cooperation.  If you have shown that you will extend yourself, others may well do the same in return.  Sometimes the agent that represented the other party in t...
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